Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 271 through 276 (of 371 total)
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    • #293825

      to change  our desires  and actions,  not the will to reveice for  ourselfes,  but receive in  order to bestow to the creator,  to come to equivalence of form   with the Creator;   pure intention,  All is  in us  , this reality, nature,  the still, vegetativ,  all other human beings, we are one  1 soul, 1 heart,   its all in ourself

    • #293717
      Maria Memoli

      It means shifting from our material reality to what is the outcome of the non material reality, the program or Thought of Creation. The ultimate goal for the program is to create the Kli in order to receive the Light and achieve the Equivalence of form to that Light.

    • #293665

      I’m not sure I’ll get this right … but I’ll give it a shot. An egoistic perception of reality is one where I see, hear, feel (etc.) so that I can determine how I can receive for me alone. I perceive things according to my selfish interests. A perception based on bestowal allows me to perceive (and determine) how I can receive to bring pleasure to others and to the creator. The information coming to me might be the same … but how I filter that information changes.

    • #293636
      David J

      To change your intention from receiving to bestowing

    • #293096
      James Wright

      An egoistic perception of reality involves intentions and actions which serve the small self, a shift to perception based on bestowal is holding the intention to bestow and act in service of the creator and creation.

    • #292432
      Jonathan Hague

      It means to become closer to the ‘purest’ form of existence: Oneness. One Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 271 through 276 (of 371 total)
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