Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #328106

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

      Since my egoistic nature (“the will to receive”) is so completely opposite the nature of the Creator (Pure Bestowal), I think that the only way I could possibly answer that question is to obtain an “equivalence of form” with the Creator.
      Learning how to do that–obtain an “equivalence of form” with the Creator- requires my placing an Altruistic Intention over my (egoistic) desires. This will then (hopefully) attract the “Reforming Light” that will build in me, a “Sixth Sense”-a Masach-a Screen to Feel & reveal the Creator.. This I think, will eventually enable me to reach an “equivalence of form” with the Creator. Easier said than done!!

      But As Rav Laitman says, (in his book “Kabbalah Revealed”) – “Having it [equivalence of form] grants the owner the same perception and knowledge as that of the Creator”

    • #327752

      It means for me to witness “His name” in study always in Light of what we are as the Creature, Creation for the coming 1 within a Covenant for Shabbat even need the desire of love. This also mean the dark inclinations of touch for essence reasoning and also the seasoning of smell for Koshering is everywhere. Kabbalah is of the Science and for most our human explorations for language.

    • #326671
      Dante Yigael

      What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

      It means to see and feel the good in everything.

    • #326088

      I’m not sure what it means experientially, though I think the Creator is leading us all there. But I’d describe it as seeing everything with Love and absolute goodness.

    • #326067
      Karen Assayag

      We may never know.

    • #325996
      Claribel Rivera

      What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

      It means to see the good in everything and everywhere. The creator is good and only does good and since there’s none else beside him. Everything I experience must be all good.

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