Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #320027

      It means that our whole life changes. We are then open to see life, circumstances and situations from a perspective that allows us to see how Creator sees.

    • #319801
      Adelina Santos

      To view reality from the perspective of the Creator is to views reality from the perspective of bestowal, ” Love your neighor as thyself”.

    • #319640

      To view everything from the perspective that it is good.

    • #319401

      There is an ego kind of a trap in this question that Tony has posed: “What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?”

      There is always this immutable Fact:  There is no other besides Him, the Creator.

      So who is this “viewer” of “Reality” that is going to take on the Creator’s Perspective (Reality and Perspective should be capitalized to denote the Divinity of the Source)?

      If the ego ponders on this question and lays claim to its “ability” to “see” Reality, through its impossibly limited five senses and imagination, the Perspective of the Creator – this is just another ego trip, like all ego trips, keeping the Soul imprisoned in these limitations.  Whenever the ego lays claim to any kind of Spiritual doership, authorship, or ownership it is ego subterfuge, trying to bring “god” and “reality” down to its level of seeming isolation and illusion.  And this also is just the Creator playing a game of hide & seek with Himself.

      So the only possibility of a Real answer to Tony’s question is when the Creator Himself reveals His Perspective to Himself, as the Aspect of Himself that He has Created as “you”.   There is no Real “you” apart from His Reality.  If the ego “you” claims any kind of ability to “see” through the eyes of the Creator – this is just ego deception.

      The Creator has Created, for His Own Purposes, an infinitude of Unique Perspectives of Himself, and each of us is one of these Divine Perspectives.  In His Own Perfect Time and Way, through whatever Ways or Means He chooses, He Reveals Himself to Himself, as the seeming you and the seeming me.

      He has Created this Path of Kabbalah as one of an Infinitude of Ways and Means through which He Reveals Himself to Himself.  So He ‘assigns’ to these Divine Aspects of Himself, the students of these KabU courses, some kind of free will to choose our environment, to aid us in our quest for Connection to Adam Ha Rishon, the One Soul, the Divine Creature.  And then we go through these 125 steps back to adhesion with Him.   This process is just another way that He, Himself, chooses to Reveal Himself to Himself, as the Perfected Kabbalist.

      Then and only then can “you”, the Perfect Kabbalist, answer Tony’s question, “What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?”

      He IS the only ONE.  By His Revelation only can we claim as Fact: I AM HE.  Then, Actual Reality is Seen/Felt/Experienced, on every level of Truth.  Any claims of any Spiritual ability or perspective by “you” or “me”, while we are still playing the game of ego illusion, are just illusions.  But remember, these are His illusions, He chooses to experience Himself, as you, and as me.

      It’s ALL in HIM.



    • #319366

      to see ourselves as the creator itself

    • #319319
      Julius Lindeberg

      To view it with unconditional love.

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