Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #304706

      – In Kabbalah, distance is not measured in inches or yards; it’s measured in qualities.

      – Clearly, the more we want, the emptier we feel. And the emptier we feel, the more frustrated we become

      – The more egoistic we become, the emptier we feel, and the worse is the crisis

      – Correction begins when a person realizes that his or her egoistic nature is the source of all evil.

      – When we reach the level of absolute sinner, we can cry out to the Creator and eventually rise to the level of the absolutely righteous

      – Those of us who love the Creator are sure to feel revulsion toward egoism, since we know from personal experience how much harm the ego can cause.

      – Developing a hatred toward egoism will eventually lead to our liberation from it


    • #302888

      I like the phrase “There’s an answer to all your questions” that the instructors here said more than once. That’s a comfort. I was brought up in a religion that didn’t answer my questions. In fact, expected me to believe a ‘divine mystery.’ That never made any sense to me. I was born with a brain that wants answers not fairy tales. It makes sense that ‘answers’ are out there. As precise and on time that all nature around us operates from, I just can’t believe in mysteries anymore. Kabbalah came to me in a dream with this phrase, “Kabbalah is not a religion. It is a way of life.” Well, it can be if one chooses it to be I guess….  This was said so strongly in my dream I woke up right after it and remembered it. (And I rarely remember my dreams). The thing is, I’ve NEVER looked into kabbalah before – not a book, article or even a conversation with anyone about it. But, I have had so many questions. Especially after being severely spiritually abused inside a religious cult.

      I like the history, the lineage of kabbalah. That gives me comfort knowing I am learning something that isn’t some drummed up new fangled something. I like that it’s not a religion because I want to stay as far away from any religion as I can get. I just want answers. So, that’s why I’m here.

    • #302671

      i am surprised to know that kabbala in its self supersedes the knowledge of the five senses also it is consider a science and not a religion as i thought initially and the studies will takes one to the highest spiritual realm,

    • #302658

      I’m finding the Hebrew roots of words very interesting. The Hebrew word for crater is Boreh which is from “Bo” (come) and “Re’eh” (see).  So the word “creator” means “come see”. The creator is literally asking us to draw closer.  The creator reveals before me the goal by the method of Kabbalah. And I develop in this so it will attract me to my development.

    • #302572

      Something that drove me crazy from school this week. that the essence and the only thing created here is the desire for pleasure. And the principle that surprised me a lot is that the pleasure disappears when there is realization. And I was sure that it was related to the matter of learning to accept life and thus also being able to enjoy it.

    • #301870

      What was interesting to me, is that it seems that the concept of Adam Harishon seems to be similar or the same as the idea of the oversoul. I have heard the Adam Cadman concept but not Harishon. It will be interesting to see how this connects for me moving forward.

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