Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #295718
      Maria Memoli

      What blew my mind is that in the 1200/1300 there was a big attempt to expand the wisdom of Kabbalah in Europe, but it didn’t work.

      In that period the Church, made of men with the greatest Ego, was developing…what would have been the meaning of it with a humanity without problems, conflicts and all that? No reason to exist.  This is the reason why the Kabbalah didn’t survive in Europe.

      The Divine Comedy one of the most famous books of that period, is full of references to the Tree of Life and the Ten Sephirot. The Kabbalah was spread more than we might think, but not officially recognized by the Institutions.

      Let’s not forget that one of the most inhuman institutions of that times, was the Inquisition.  Talking about a God that wasn’t a Christian God, would have costed you the life…

    • #290348

      This has been a powerful class. Simple yet robust and thought provoking

    • #287625

      Según la lectura de Kabbalah Experience (pp 422-424), el énfasis en el hecho de que la correccion es un proceso colectivo, y en la que el cabalista debe corregir su parte individual que está en las otras almas, lo que hace de la mitzva “ama a tu vecino como a ti mismo” la base del progreso. “…Therefore, a collective study in a group is the most practical measure for spiritual advancement”

    • #221327
      Etienne Fourie

      To me it is mind blowing to realise that the Wisdom of Kabbalah can actually change our world for the better, that humanity actually has an answer. But now for the application.

    • #221279

      I dreamed about it a few weeks ago

      …who does not study Kabbalah makes the externality of the world overcome the internality. This means the worst, the most harmful and destructive among the nations of the world, rise over the internality of the nations of the world, the righteous nations, and bring worldwide wars and destruction.

    • #221277

      Years ago I read Leo Tolstoy’s book, “The Kingdom of God is Within” where he describes newly enlisted young men from a small village being sent to another village where peasants were protesting against a wealthy landowners prohibition of their cutting timber on his land which they were using to heat their homes.  All the people involved, the soldiers, the police, the magistrate, etc. were all playing societal roles and experienced no guilt about the torture, cruelty and injustice they were inflicting on this poor village because the social environment justified it.  If they weren’t assuming these roles, there’s no way they could have justified or done what they willingly and self-righteously did clothed in society’s uniforms.  This proves the importance of the environment in human behavior.

      Tolstoy’s conclusion was that NOTHING will change until people regard each other as brothers, which is just what the wisdom of Kabbalah shows.  But HOW?

      I am so grateful to have found Kabbalah which provides a method.

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