Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #57441

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 146 total)
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    • #322132

      What inspired me the most, I believe it’s the sincerity of the instructors and their knowledge of their subject matter that they are sharing with us (the students). I wanted to finish this course to hear what else the instructors had to share. Thank you.

      What I learned about myself was that I always thought of myself as a spiritual person, but I am but a dot in my reality. However, I discovered that I am interested to learn more to reach my goal, my desires, and now I believe that I can continue with a positive result. This assurance in me came through because of the knowledge that you shared with us.

      I hope that my fellow students will continue to move forward and join the group along with me. The group that will teach us how to love one another, how to connect to each other, and how to communicate with the Creator.

    • #322074
      Tove Jo

      Per i miei compagni vorrei che andranno avanti per sperimentare il prossimo step che  io ho già fatto. Anzi il Creatore mi avevo mandato avanti per farmi sperimentare cosa significa lavorare in un gruppo di ten, quando pensavo di non essere pronta per lavorare in un gruppo. Per me e stata una liberazione poter essere in un gruppo di ten per il aiuto che ricevevo da loro. Mi sentivo libera di comunicare e esprimermi liberamente nel grupp0 perche erevamo sul stesso “livello”.  Nessuno sopra o sotto. Non mi sento libera a chiedere aiuto o guida a qualcuno sopra di me. Non ho ancora risolto il problema da quando ero 6 anni, e mia mamma diceva di non disturbare il signore, bianchino a casa nostra con mie stupide domande. Da la non faccio domande  a un insegnante o chiunque sopra di me. Ho paura per fare le mie stupide domande. Grazie!!!

    • #322072

      That I can make a difference for others and the Creator inspired me.  I took a long, hard look at my attitude towards other people and found that I am lacking in deep caring.  I hope students have support and guidance along the way.  I met a few people via virtual attendance of the Netherlands retreat (2023).  I’m so inspired by them and hope the too are inspired.

    • #322013

      I love learning about the whole wisdom of Kabbalah. I wish to connect and grow spiritually with my group.

    • #321718

      I’ve learned about the importance of the environment and how it effects development in the path. How important our goal is. How we are responsible for the whole. I feel so disconnected from everything because I don’t know what’s good to do now. I wish for my fellow students to feel the importance of our goal and we all try to get connected.

    • #320798
      Delayne Mohammed

      I love these courses it shares the same values of Christianity. My biggest fear in growing up in the Kabbala is not having friends that study this so we could find a mutual agreement in contributing to our Spiritual growth. I will take more or maybe even all your courses and read your books.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 146 total)
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