Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #28820

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 427 through 432 (of 556 total)
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    • #283714

      What inspired me most of the course is the understanding that the correction of oneself leads to the path of light. And that practicing with altruistic manner benefits all.

      I’ve learnt to be kinder towards myself and to others, and that all events that are happening in my life is  gifts from the creator. There are no mistakes, and that we must be grateful even for the difficult times as they are a blessing from God, the light.

      I wish for my fellow students that they accept who they are, and that their purpose here on earth is just as important as my life is. And that the Ego is limiting. Once you surrender to the path of least resistance, everything will fall into place effortlessly.

      Thank you Kabu Team for sharing your heart with the world and teaching others to connect with their hearts.

      Bless you all!

    • #283660
      kenneth kimani

      With this course I realize how selfish I am interms of my desires and now I know have the tools to rectify my mistakes and align my desires with those of the creator.For my fellow students on this course, I hope and pray that each one of us will arrive at yhe predestined destination , i.e. back to the Creator , whichever path one has chosen. May we all merit to climb up the spiritual ladder back to our Creator in as painless a manner as possible.

    • #283273

      I’m glad I found a spiritual path that explains everything in a scientific way, because I didn’t feel 100% comfortable with the woowoo-stuff that I tried before. I felt those New Age practices had some truth in it, but with Kabbalah EVERYTHING feels true, and based on this system I aspire to find the only Truth that’s deep inside, together with my fellow students.

    • #281932
      Dora Francis

      With this course I can say that I have finally found a spiritual home after searching for what seems like my entire life.  I can’t thank the instructors enough for sharing their time and wisdom in such a non-judgemental, logical and caring manner. I regret not staying with the course when I was exposed to it a few years ago but maybe I was not ready. I really pray that a lot more seekers find this path as it provides believable answers to all one’s questions. I now have hope for the our planet.

    • #281815

      This course has really opened me up. It answered alot questions for me and because I am a seeker of spiritual matters Kabbalah gave me a blueprint that Christianity does not. Im not wondering around. I can learn from out Forefathers that went before us who went through experiences and obtained a deep level of spiritual knowledge. This course has really taught me the power of bridging the gap between the spirit and the natural worlds. Since putting Kabbalistic principles to work in my own life I have seen tremendous results in my own life.  Oppertunities have come just because I am more in tuned with the Creators divine plan for the Universe. I am extremely greatful for the commitment of the instructors here at KabU. My desire is that all of the students at KabU will continue to grow in knowledge and understanding of this great wisdom that has been made available to us..

    • #281814

      This course has really opened me up. It answered alot questions for me and because I am a seeker of spiritual matters Kabbalah gave me a blueprint that Christianity does not. Im not wondering around. I can learn from out Forefathers that went before us who went through experiences and obtained a deep level of spiritual knowledge. This course has really taught me the power of bridging the gap between the spirit and the natural worlds. Since putting Kabbalistic principles to work in my own life I have seen tremendous results in my own life.  Oppertunities have come just because I am more in tuned with the Creators divine plan for the Universe. I am extremely greatful for the commitment of the instructors here at KabU.

Viewing 6 posts - 427 through 432 (of 556 total)
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