Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #28820

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 556 total)
  • Author
    • #281649
      Richard Lively

      I wish the fellow students to be able to see the Ego, and work with it.  Learn to hate it, but then learn to reconcile with  it.  In doing so they will achieve what it is they sought from this course.  The will to receive  in a manner that allows for bestowal.  That they can develop their screens and use the middle path as a tool of progress.  I think what inspired me the most is that I dont have to have a supernatural experience to know what is and what is not.  I can feel in my soul this is perfect harmony and we just need to understand why in order to stay in  the harmony of all that is.

    • #281546
      Jeremy Bell

      I have been constantly amazed at how many times I’ve thought “that makes so much sense” as I’ve watched Tony’s videos. I feel such gratitude for all like him and the other teachers at KabU for sharing with those who desire to know. Fellow travelers – peace to you on your journey toward Light. I hope the point in your hearts continues to open for you. Love to your all.

    • #281413

      My feelings and desires now make sense as I now have a deeper understanding of what Spirituality is. I’m more intune with my dreams as they make sense. Knowing that religion is not spirituality has really done me good as I judge my self and the rest less. Im working on developing that spark on my heart and sharing the more on the true Kabbalah

    • #281112

      what inspired me in the course was a feeling..a feeling i got while taking the course, connecting dots together, but without using the intellect was new and interesting. An inner knowing that i could not explain, not merely just a belief, but an actual knowing that whats being spoken about is the truth. what i learned about myself during the course is that everything seen in nature and outside of myself is actually a projection of whats inside me and everyone else..i started to feel the reality that we are all fractals of a whole. what i wish for my fellow students is that we all come into connection and realization with one another for the common goal we all have in our hearts.. for everyone to be as one man with one heart.

    • #281108

      Our thinking can operate all the natural forces for bad or good, the forces that operate the natural phenomena are the same forces that are operated by our intelligence and emotion at a higher rank.Truth wisdom teaches that the purpose of life is to rise from our present level of existence to the true level of existence, to connect back to one soul through self-awareness. We must understand that there is only one way to change the feature of egoism, and that is the power that is in the authentic Kabbalah books. Thanks To KabU for all you do.


    • #280969

      I was very impressed by the instructors in this course (and in all the other courses on KabU). They are gentle and yet confident. They don’t guess, they somehow know the answers to the questions they get.

      So I want to know where this quality of the instructors come from. I don’t have it yet, but where there is a desire, there is a way.

      I would wish for my fellow students that we stay on the path and strive to know the truth. We finished the first course, let us begin the second. Step by step, with persistance and patience, we can walk each other home.


Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 556 total)
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