Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

New Home Forums Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 1. Introduction OR Your relationship as a laboratory for personal growth Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37776

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 50 total)
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    • #283958
      Richard Lively

      My wife views Kabbalah as a hobby, she does not understand to me its like “needing” the creator.  I cant change her mind, so I simply have tot accept this is my life.  She honors the fact that I am Jewish because she understands the freedom to peruse a religion.  But she does not see past that because she saw a video that Kabbalah is not a religion.  So she has now defined it as a “hobby”, I have tried sharing it with her, but she is not interested as of now.  So I have to accept that I am being selfish in this and I have to wait on the creator to either pull her to this path, or I simply have to accept that she is not to walk this path with me.

      • #287777
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Hi Richard,
        Perhaps if you share these new goals for a loving, connected relationship with your partner, she will see how much there is to gain from Kabbalah, and how it can truly make life better.
        I don’t know many women who don’t want their partners to make efforts to love them better!
        These principles are universal, and all of Kabbalah is just about learning how to love. I’m sure that if more people could see that, they would openly embrace it.



      • #284572

        i am in  the same situation with my husband. the topic of spirituality actually irritates him. i definitely understand what you’re going through and i know how hard it is…there are alot of others in the same situation. it’s sometime hard to know how to navigate the situation but my husband is at least supportive of my desire for spirituality, but still sees the path itself as a hobby, and when he is not calling it a hobby he is switching it up on me and calling it a religion, he hates religion…there are points where he gets angry at me for my studies, the money i spend on it, the time i spend on it, my changing and growing perception of reality, etc…the struggle is real but i trust we aren’t given anything we cannot bare. keep on keepin on! much love man.

    • #282764

      It is always easier to observe one’s own behaviour, when the emotions envolved are not that strong.

      The more I feel for somebody, the stronger I react and the heavier it is, to overcome the differences.

      • #287778
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Yes. On the coporeal level, this is just our nervous system that “hijacks” us. When we are triggered, our brain is flooded with chemicals, and we do/say things we don’t really mean to. This is something we can treat through self-soothing, taking an agreed-upon time out etc.

        On a spiritual level, we get shown our own nature, and we need help from Creator, from our friends to rise above it. Every time we experience a failure at overcoming the ego, we have a greater motivation to ask for help. It’s like breaking our way out of Egypt, in the story of the Exodus – it’s a process and we have to keep working at it together- creating the strong enough desire to leave the ego, so we can be free once and for all! In the end, it works! So don’t lose hope, keep working on the connection and we will get there together 🙂

      • #284578

        Something similar happens to me, and the I feels justified so much.

        And I find myself, whenever there is conflict, constantly fighting within myself. I rise above, see it for what it is
        and from there no feelings are felt, there is only compassion and understanding.

        Then, I come back down, pulled by the justifications of the I; they make sense and are compelling, oh so strong.

        I want to not feel so strongly; I want to always stay above; I want to operate eternally from above.

        Why is it ephemeral to do so? is it?

    • #282247
      Ty Palodichuk

      being aware of my ego’s negative reaction to my partner and rising above it is key to a healthy relationship. also discussing these reactions is key too.

    • #280926

      awareness on my self is the key here. If i work on my ego and love my brother as myself, then i accept all . and my love covers all sins. with this idea, i do not need to  be or change anyone, i can just be harmonious, now this harmony in me affects the people around me to want to be better humans without me even saying anything to them. So i change me, i change them.

    • #280376

      Observations of the habits, I’ve learned from parent, media’s and around me.

      To see the area’s of the ego/habits is an excellent way to learn from them.

      When seeing the area’s that need more love, understanding and compassion to apply into the relationship.


    • #280136
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Being aware of  how to overcome my egoistic habits in relation with my family and friends that is the point.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 50 total)
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