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New Home Forums Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 1. This Is Where? Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

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    • #289277

      I am quite sure that a great leap in the evolution of mankind will come soon, perhaps even during our lifetime.

    • #289096

      This is my first course here at KabU and I look forward to learning and being tranformed.

    • #288249

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>It is the time of correction, the Gar Tikkun, it is mandatory that this occurs, it can be 1. through the gentle and kind way of the wisdom expressed in Kabbalah; or it can occur 2. by way of suffering through the rigors of nature, pandemics such as Covid or with the expression of human selfishness in wars, separation, economic hardship. In any case, the result will be the same: a corrected and unified world, based on bestowal, since this is part of the thought of creation, given by “there is None else besides Him, the good that does good”. So none of these events is casual, it means an irreversible change towards the union between all human beings. The action now is to choose between the soft way or the way of suffering.</p>

    • #288234
      David J

      I spent my life running from the hate. I found myself in a foreign land unable to understand anything around me. I’d given up all possessions and I was as content in life as I had ever been. This was it. Live til death. Then, the wisdom of kabbalah,  now I pray for connection with others so we/1 can ask the Creator to bring 1 closer to similarity with Him

    • #286972
      Tony Blanco

      Just reviewing the course again.  Thanks

    • #286721

      When I look at nature and its magnificence, I feel sure that there is a great Intelligence/Creator behind the whole of life. I await with hope for a future that takes us away from the current pain and suffering, bringing us to experience the real Love that is present within nature and within each one of us.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 104 total)
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