Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 378 total)
  • Author
    • #333279

      Hi Ben here from Manila. went to the Opening the Heart conference and i really really want to be in adhesion with friends and the Creator.

    • #333022
      Claribel Rivera

      Hi I’m Claribel and I want to learn more about the blueprint of creation

    • #331841

      Hello Gianni this is Norman.

      I just want to understand a bit more about the upper worlds.

    • #331695

      Hello friends,

      I have completed the first 2 courses and hopefully on Sunday I will join Kabbalah in action.

      I have seen some of the amazing and wonderful videos of KabU, I am reading some of the books, on Sundays I attend the live and the Q&A sessions, and I’m so excited regarding this wisdom of Kabbalah.

      I’m not yet familiar enough with the structure of the worlds and the Sefirot and Partzum.

      For this reason I’m joining this specifical course, and I feel thankful and happy to start this exciting journey with you.

      Thank you very much for the opportunity to dive into this wisdom.

      I would like to thank the KabU instructors and all the friends around the world who are studying these materials so we can learn how to live together as one.

      Thank you very much!

    • #331483

      Hello Gianni and friends,

      I often participate in the live weekly Q & A Zoom session which follow “Kabbalah Explained Simply” weekly lessons. For quite some time I have been viewing  videos available at Kabbalahinfo, including  “Basic Concepts in Kabbalah”, and  earlier “Kabbalah Explained Simply” lessions  which were broadcast prior to my joining KabU.

      Having  completed the Kabbalah Revealed courses, I continue reading from among the many books of Dr Laitman’s that I own. In addition I have attended, virtually by Zoom, both the Kabbalah retreat in Holland and the Retreat in NY.

      If I am indeed an integral part of Adam ha Rishon, and if I truly desire to “Climb the Ladder” back to my Spiritual Root (together with all of Adam ha Rishon) then it seems clear to me  that it would be a really good idea for me to get to know as much as I can about my Root, and how and why I came down from there!

      Having taken a “sneak peek” at the course syllabus, and knowing that it will be taught by Gianni I am excited to begin!


    • #331313

      wanting to learn more about the upper worlds

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 378 total)
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