What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 445 total)
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    • #331280

      The last course was excellent and answered many questions. I learned so much and was able to reconnect with my inner heart. It’s been a while.

      I hope to learn practical methods now

    • #331080
      Damjan Stanek

      My best experience has been to feel the desire to connect to the upper world. I expect more practical tools to develop in order to support my journey.

    • #330456

      My best experience from last course really help define the fact that events in my life that seem outside of time or coincidental were all part of divine providence. I expect from this course to finally get the tools and connect with the group.

    • #330180
      Tammy McHenry

      The realization that everything is working out perfectly, even when it seems things are not.

      Going above reason with the goal of maintaining and increasing my level of faith. This is the intention I’m setting for this course.

    • #330028

      Best and most difficult experience from last course is the realization of ego and the intentions behind how I interact with others. I am hoping this course we’ll help see me on the road to changing that egoistic intention to one of bestowal.

    • #329973

      This domain of knowledge speaks to me. I have been looking for this since before i can remember.

      There have been a handful of times where I have felt the light. The experience of feeling that light was otherworldly.

      Now, I want more of the light so building a vessel to handle that is what I want to receive from this class by learning how to apply all I have learned into everyday life.

      The kings palace and 125 steps is all I think about.  Shalom Tydus

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 445 total)
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