What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #331971

      From the previous courses I learned a lot of new insights. It was also very fun to do and each time I was anxious to proceed with the next lesson. All the things I learned resonate with me and it felt like coming home. It gave me a lot peace and confidence that this is the path for me. For the coming course I expect the same experience but on top of that I hope to learn more practicalities how I can apply an integrate Kabalah in my day to day life; also I hope to be more connected to my fellow students.

    • #331916

      The previous courses were mind blowing.

      I want to go deeper in the ego concept (how this can be of any help, according to the pla of creation) and to learn how to use the desire correctly.

      I also want to be part of a group of ten.

    • #331819

      The previous courses have answered my basic questions. Who am I, Why am I here on earth, there’s got to be more than this “feeling”. Religion did not work for me. I wanted a direct connection with the Creator. I did not feel the need for a preacher, minister, bishop or any person who came between the me and Creator. Religion = Judgement, guilt, fear, control. Kabbalah, well, I love Kabbalah. My point in the heart is safe here. The Creator never ever changes. It’s all up to me to feel His Love.  I feel His Love, Compassion and Acceptance.  I have no expectations from the next course. I’m just happy to be here.

    • #331818

      My best experience from the Kabbalah Revealed courses was a shift in my perception of what reality truely is and what it is not. Discovering the concepts of point in the heart, life’s purpose and “love thy friend as thyself” struck a chord within me and life itself has a whole new meaning.

      In this course I look forward to putting Kabbalah into practice and building on the foundation of what was previously attained. It’s very exciting to continue to embark on this wonderful journey with my fellow students. Thank you KabU!

    • #331737

      Hello to those in charge of the Kabbalah application and also to all my brothers. It is true that internal and external change has begun in my heart and mind, of course, for the better. Since the beginning of my study of Kabbalah and the completion of the revelation of the first and second Kabbalah, my love for delving deeper into spirituality has also increased, and I have understood the path that must be taken in order to cling to the Creator and be equal in form with Him, and I am certain in this new cycle that I will I will climb the ladder to a higher level and wish everyone understanding and also a rise in spiritual levels🤍💙❤️🙏

    • #331678

      Apart from the sleepless nights, where in the quietness I could absorb and take captive the wisdom delivered by the team at KabU, the ability to look back at a life of seemingly random chaos (mostly my fault) I was able to put events in order and understanding of why they happened. It’s the reason I am here, no accident. To go deeper in understanding and to overtake intellectual gymnastics to a practical level is going to be a challenge, but the most exciting experience I am anticipating.

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 445 total)
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