What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #333801

      My best experience from the previous course was that information was conveyed in a clear manner, allowing me to grasp the concept a bit easier.

      My expectation from this course is to build from the laid foundation and grow in my spiritual journey.

    • #333781

      Kabbalah Revealed I and II are absolutely amazing. Before week 1 I thought I had a deep understanding of my life and what I’m doing here. At the end of week 10, I had a totally different perspective. I learned and internalized all the information I could absorb, but now I need to understand how I can put this all together and how to make it work.

      ” “Love your friend as yourself” is the door to the spiritual world ” and “There is no one else apart from him”, both continue coming back to my mind at all times.

      Now I have to find a way to implement all this knowledge.

      I hope the point in my heart grows so that I can fulfill my purpose in life.


    • #333657
      Dennis Ibrahim

      “There is none else besides Him” enlightened me, it moved me from one reality to another, and all the sudden many of questions got answered. This was my best experience.

      In this course, my expectation is to absorb more wisdom to help me align and be in harmony with the single force of love and bestowal, our Creator.

    • #333655

      My best experience in Kabbalah Revealed was the clarity that I needed to unlearn a lot of things I thought I knew.

      I look forward to gaining practical tools to expand the wisdom of Kabbalah.


    • #333434

      From the previous 2 courses:-   that kabbalah is the receiving  of G-ds wisdom, that we are in a set system, and all we can do is change our way of looking at things.  So we know all is pre-ordained, and our free-will relates to  changing our understanding , so we can see the roots from which our experience has come, and welcome it as a chance to move up in spiritual understanding.

      In this course :-   To understand Kabbalah as a science, so I can experiment with what I experience when I change my perspective.  I am really looking forward to learning how to pray effectively.

    • #332394

      Best experience: Course progression/speed is good.

      Expectation: More insight.

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