What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #329845

      My best experience from the previous course?: to open my mind

      What do I expect from this course?: the proper techniques, how to use  my new knowledge !

    • #329764

      I stepped outside of myself for maybe the first time in my life. I started to look at the things that happened to me and others from a different lens. I am excited to learn how to take that step further into putting things into practice and learning the practical methods and bringing it altogether .

    • #329689
      patrick diederich

      I liked the clear explanations and structure of the course. It really helps to have a guided approach to the reading material. I also enjoyed reading and reflecting the comments of my fellow students. I was often very moved by what I read.

    • #328784

      Pre course :
      I felt that a wondrous trail of synchronous events had got me to the course in the first place ….and all sorts of connections kept presenting themselves to affirm my being in the right place.
      For example I went to a Rembrandt exhibition in Melbourne, Australia, where one of the paintings depicted Esther, King Ahaseurues and Haman. Two weeks later one of our readings spoke about this story being an allegory of spiritual forces, Hester represented the hidden kingdom of heaven ( concealment )…( A guide to the hidden wisdom of Kabbalah Pg 98 ).
      Rembrandt refined, throughout his life, the effect of light on certain scenes and subjects, …another metaphor.
      I like to hope these are little flags from the creator to encourage me towards the new emergent world that Kabbalah can create.

      Within the course, all the lectures and guidance were brilliantly intuitive…that is the questions created are always followed by answers or the potential for answers.
      Plus :
      The exposure of the ego as the foundation of our problems, and these problems are so obvious in the world now… every day one is confronted by the rampant ego of the surrounding world ( presumably this is a reflection of my own ego!!!…scary )and how we need to modify this force within us .

    • #328460
      Jarrett Twaddle

      If the first course was a breakdown cleaning, the second course was a rebuilding!
      I went through an INTENSE depression during the first course, but my instructors encouraged me and my dear friends have continued to inspire me.
      The second course has been empowering and the scrutinies are becoming less egotistical and more refined, if I may say so. It took all the insights gained from the first course (when I was rejecting Creator’s mercy and living in heresy, with my body having a hard time accepting that He is Good that does Good) and grounded it in a way that hastens time.
      All in all, I am very, very curious to know what this course has to offer. I can’t wait!

    • #327698

      Through the light we can experience what Abraham experienced through the kli. The 1st Soul Adam Kadman and know the Creator through the sources listed.

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