What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 447 total)
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    • #296260
      Kenneth Alexander

      I would have to say my favorite moment is (what I think) the realization that there isn’t any sort of “Anti-Creator” and that all “Evil” that appears in this world is the result of uncorrected egos. I grew up in a Christian home and always questioned the pragmatism of things like Hell and Satan. It seemed to me that human choice was more of a key factor, so discovering how Kabbalah reinforces that in a way really resonated in me.

      I expect that this course will be a bit thicker than the previous ones, in terms of study and contemplation. I’m really going to need to discipline myself to making time for daily study, especially on my days off.

    • #296237
      Sharla Windham

      I had several moments in the last course where the point in my heart felt.likw it was.about to explode. I expect.to get practical guidance on how to use the intention for the good of my neighbor and the Creator because right now, every way I slice everything, it’s always about me.

    • #295839

      The previous courses have answered some basic questions, but I am hoping that this course will actually show us the practice of Kabbalah that resulted in the insights we have learned about.

    • #295507

      Learning about prayer in Kabbalah was really powerful for me. I expect to learn how to start using the wisdom in a practical manner.


    • #295504
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Hello My Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis , i expected more understanding and its helped me for  my day to day life. and Thank You

    • #295503
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Heoo My Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis , i expected more understanding and its helped me for  my day to day life. and Thank You

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 447 total)
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