What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #287360

      My best experience from the previous course was to finally have the correct road map to navigate my life. The knowledge that Kabbalah is something that you are guided to when you are ready to receive this precious gift and that the desire to study this science changes you internally to help create a better life and a better world.



    • #287347

      It’s hard to pick an individual element from the last course as it was all very fascinating. Understanding how we are all totally driven by our will to receive , makes me see people differently.
      It makes me less prone to judging others and to making myself feel bad about things I’ve done. We really have no choice but to behave the way we do, and that is why I have a strong desire to change this , even though I realise at the moment that desire us still an egotistical one.

      I expect this course to help us start to change by showing us methods & practical ways of reforming our ego for the better

    • #287334

      Kabbalah has brought me already a lot of wisdom, but I become more and more deconnected from my family and environment, so I hope in this course to learn how to combine the wisdom of Kabbalah with my corporeal life.

    • #287143

      My best experience has been a deepening with my connection with the upper force though increased signs and synchronicities that confirm to me that Kabbalah is a science that is meant to be experienced by the spiritual seeker and that I am gratefully on the right path. Thank you to all participants.

    • #286938

      Previous course taught me about how a scale free Netwok functions. I’m looking forward to connecting with my ten in this course.

    • #286863
      Kári Allansson

      Change in perception. I feel a desire for light.

Viewing 6 posts - 343 through 348 (of 445 total)
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