Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #281829

      I understand (so far) that my free will is on the boundary that separate my will to receive and my will to bestowal. it is a illusion when I  am working in receiving to myself (what is my reality), it is Real when I am working in bestowal (what is the opposite of my reality). The Divine Paradox!

    • #280879
      Albert Walls

      Free will is the choice of two paths, the path of growth/enlightenment or the path of suffering/ignorance. Growth will allow a person to step out the way of a moving car and suffering in front of the head lights.

    • #251671

      my free will is my decision to live according to the laws of nature or not. it is an illusion when following egoistic desires.

    • #223025

      We do have free will but only in the sense that we have the freedom to choose our environment I.e the people we choose to spend our time with, the books we read and the environment we choose to live in. These choices we make have consequences – we gather information/knowledge either consciously or subconsciously from our friends, our interests( maybe Kabbalah) and. the places we choose to spend our time.

    • #222883

      We are all products (for better or for worse), of our environment in the corporeal world in which we have little to no free will.

      We are a manipulated society that has to conform to the will of Government, Powerful Corporations who invade our privacy, Social Media and News Media that dictate what we may hear and who may be heard.

      The only free will we have is to change our environment from being solely focused in the Corporeal and choose a new environment by striving to find Spirit through the Teachings of Kabbalah.

    • #222866

      We have free will only by choosing our environment.

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