Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #220179
      hamilton de sousa

      According to Kabbalah there is not free will. There is the world of roots and branches… The spiritual world the upper forces (roots) pushing us to the corrections.  What is manifesting in this world (branches) is already planned in the upper world (roots). Now there is two way for the correction to happen and this when the free will comes:

      Depending on the level of your awareness or consciousness  you can choice to path off freedom which is basic to collaborate with the upper force our the path of suffering which is where must of us are now (our egoistic nature the will to receive for my self…. Me Me  Me …. ) Any of the paths you choice to walk will take you to the same place. Now you can choose the harder way o the easy way (which by the way is not so easy… you basically need to unstall  the old program (the will to receive) and install a new program (the will to bestow).

      All is already planned. All already exists in the mind of the creator.

      Now a question arise ! who is the creator? ?

      I am the creator? Maybe….  why ? because the world only exists in my head, if a died the world will still exists in your head and if you died the world will still exist in someone else head. So me, you and the rest of the world the universe the multi versus all that exist inside, outside below and above is one big mind. Yes one big mind and we are all part of that big mind…

      So reshaping my answer about who is the creator !  I am a tiny beat of the creator you are also and all the rest…

      And as Kabbalah saying  we all need to connect. if we all connect which we are connect in these big mind, we just can not perceive as mention before because of the old program (the will to receive).

      So too summarise all already exists and all is already planed.  Just a matter of time we all reach our destination.

      To become one with creator.

      To answer the question …. There is not free will…



    • #219100
      Gelaye Gudisa

      Since we living in double concealment, we  normally perceive as if we have a free will but we only have free will when it comes to our desire to connect with the creator.

    • #188474

      In my day to day life, until now, I assumed most of my life was due to my own free will. However, when the blows from Nature started intensifying in my life I had to find answers e.g. why is this happening to me? Who or what is responsible for what is happening in my life and finally,what is the meaning of my life? why am I here, what is my purpose in life? After studying KabU courses, it seems that I really have no free will, that there are forces and powers from the Upper Worlds that influence my life and the only free will I have is in choosing the right environment and friends. The Group.

    • #188388
      V C

      To quote Colleen: “There is also the perception of a higher world to some people, but not all. Why is that ? You cannot have “free will” to choose something you cannot perceive.”

      Free will is a mystery to me for the most part. When I study, Kabbalah opens the doors of perception (thank you Huxley:-) and KabU of course). It vanishes as soon as I am attracted to fear, when I’m stuck in the quagmire of survival.

      • #188492

        Hi VC 🙂

        I was so excited to see that someone read something I said, lol.  Thank you!  that made me feel good.  I also have trouble with fear.  It has been my lifelong companion, but our “relationship” began to change when I was able to identify it as the root cause. As before I could only identify the stress, the anxiety as the source. (which I’m also sick of! I want new companions)  I never thought of myself as a fearful person because I’m NOT……I have fought lions, so how is this possible? In speaking with others about this paradox, it was suggested to me that I was unable to “let go” to “trust” that what was happening in my life was for my ….good.  To stop trying to control everything (out of fear) to relax, allow time for the universe to make the corrections necessary, and that all would be turned to my benefit. It has been and continues to be the most challenging lesson of my life.   Like being asked to jump off of a cliff and be happy about it!!?  But as it turns out, the universe attaches a bungee cord lol.  You’re safe and loved!

    • #184970

      My free will is put to to good use when Iam around people who live a life style that I’m not prepared to accept.  I just remove myself from that enviroment.  I always  take the straight & narrow road.

    • #184667

      I don’t know.  I suppose I believe there are many paths to the same place and I AM FREE to choose which path to travel,  and I AM FREE to choose a different path when I don’t like the old one anymore (too painful).  So the internal/external forces that create the painful environment GOVERN (then maybe I’m not free lol) my choice to continue or not.  However…….it’s also true that some people are unable to perceive they can change their direction/path and they continue in a negative environment their entire lives 🙁  They have the “gift” of choice, but their perception of reality prevents them from making that choice.   Hmmm…..no free will.

      But still, folks will have people who will come along in their life to help point them in a different direction (hopefully positive) showing them, that YES,  you can choose differently, there is a way out of your circumstance.  So in the end they have the free will to choose,  but even then,  sometimes that comes down to faith because they still can’t SEE how their life would change.  Now is it free will or faith?

      There is also the perception of a higher world to some people, but not all.   Why is that ?  You cannot have  “free will” to choose something you cannot perceive.  I know many people who are firmly rooted here, and to be honest I have at times in my life envied them, because they don’t seem to struggle, their lives seem simple and uncomplicated.   They’re perfectly happy with their family, house, car payment and shopping at the mall every weekend.  If they perceive no higher world, then where is their ability to move forward?  Same life event applies here though too, because there are books, people, internet etc. telling them there is more to life, but a person has to have ears to hear, and eyes to see.  Perhaps one must “want to see, want to hear.”  That would be free will.

      I have never pondered free will more than 5 min lol because the world/religion has always told me I have free will ….but now after seriously thinking about this for the past hour I feel like something magnificent has happened to me, lol.  I feel great happiness.  Another layer has been peeled back and I’m seeing things in a whole new light!  So many blessings to you, thank you!  BH

      The additional ingredient of questioning whether the events taking place in life are “reality or illusion” is fascinating!   I think the answer is both; two sides to the same coin and free will is how you choose to spend it.

      with kindness,

      Colleen 🙂

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