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  • in reply to: Share Your Thought About the Grad Section #284132
    Maria B. W12

    Hello all friends,
    I am so glad to attain and join this environment and look forward to the work ahead!
    I hope to broaden further with your friendly and knowledgeable support my understanding and feel of the Kabbalah, you and the path leading to the equivalence of form with the Creator. Possibly still in the current body and together with you.

    Maria B. W12

    Sorry if I’m taking up too much time, patience and space with this.

    For whatever reason, reading it now, in March 2022, I get a kind of a sad feeling, when reading your 2021 note, dear Miryam. Based on my own fluctuating states of feelings, faith and yearning, I can fathom somehow that you were just in a temporary deep spot, from which you could have been helped out by the group you were about to be assigned to. It is basic that spirituality cannot and must not be forced. Yet, I feel even now, almost a year later after you wrote this, that I would like to stretch out a friendly helping hand to you…

    I want to share with you Miryam, a recent experience of something very powerful in our learning program albeit not strictly connected to this particular course. It happened with me on March 12 of 2022, when a large number of us were connecting from all over the world for a Zohar reading with Gil, and a joint kabbalistic prayer for peace in the World.

    I didn’t take time to properly prepare. Still, it happened. Not right away but closer to the end of the “plenary” event, when Gil suggested that we formulate and write into the chat our own, personal prayers to add to the laconic texts of the common ones. Being momentarily in a low state of lack of self-confidence (I frequently have during and outside the study environment) I wrote something like that: I ask the Reforming Light to elevate me above my egoistic desires, so that I contribute with sufficient purity to the (common) prayer. I had to write slowly, re-read it and make corrections of omissions and typos due to the “slow writing mode” switched on for the surface. But in the moment I pressed the Send button, an overwhelming warmth – indeed like a light – enveloped, went inside and dissolved me. It felt a lot. Calm yet electrifying, being “heard and answered”, “knowing” that my desire was included in the prayer of the many, as well as something even more. A kind of a euphoric vibration, too, of an extended United Oneness. Meaning not just with the involved friends on the same frequency of the prayer, but a much broader United Oneness, too, with a positive empowerment to bestow. And it didn’t just come and go. For 2 days after I constantly remained at the same frequency, “knowing” that my experience is common with that of most of us participating in the prayer. Even now, as I’m writing this down, the same warmth and calmness is invoked in my head and chest from time to time.

    I know and respect that outside the Kabbalah environment there can be and are pure and powerful prayers/meditations, too, performed by faith based groups. Prior to Kabbalah/KabU I had many personal – I assume now – egoistic prayers to gain understanding/solution of confusing, sometimes direct life-threatening events. And felt I got answers/direct support in the form of either lucrative dreams or even instant life experiences, all providing me guidance for positive practical solutions. I was and remain very grateful for those! But wanted to understand with my mind, too, as to what phenomenon exactly is this; why, how and with whom this “communication” exists;  and how – I always presumed – those work not just for me but for every one of us? That was, how I arrived to Kabbalah, and now feel “rewarded” with a comprehensive “answer” by the described practical experience for many of us.

    So, wherever you may be dear Miryam, whether outside or inside the Kabbalah environment I wish for you, too, to become the conscious part of being United for Bestowal, and experience its euphoric yet calming frequency.

    With love, M.

    Maria B. W12

    Dear Gianni,

    Thank you so much for pointing to the Hungarian sources link and for your encouragement!


    Maria B. W12

    Hello Gianni,
    I am a very happy student at KabU as a Hungarian connecting from Hungary. Attended virtually last year’s Retreat and was sad that couldn’t attend in person. The volunteers’ support there was absolutely fantastic, and we are having the same in our lessons/zoom sessions, too. I would very much like to be involved as a volunteer for BB, possibly offering my professions and experience of 40+ years for use as a translator/interpreter. However, I’m studying Kabbalah in English using English books/sources only. How could I reinforce the Hungarian side of my terminology knowledge, too, to become suitable for real use for the BB society without needing to leave the English KabU environment I love so much?

    Maria B. W12

    An even more consciously concentrated, quality prayer of our hearts to attract the reforming light for achieving world peace and love, than we achieve in our virtual plenary sessions. Exhilarating, fulfilling, enhanced and lasting confidence in our connectedness.

    Maria B. W12

    Reading the replies of people in this study group I’m amazed at the quality and teaching value I can have just by being in connection with the instructor and this company of class-mates. You are all so great!

    Thanks to this course, I understand more and more deeply, how much more correction I need to become useful in any group aiming their work at attracting the reforming light for the benefit of the group and, eventually, for all humanity and the Creator. As I feel, strengthening the influence of the reforming light is coming through raising the vibration of our desire to receive for the sake of bestowal, through corrected and loving attitude in our communication.

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