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  • Maria B. W12

    Early mornings I do breathing exercise. I know He is present – how could He not? I know, He is constantly giving to all and that I am here because of wanting to consciously receive. I stand still, barefooted, begin to raise my arms above my head, take a deep, conscious breath through the nose until I feel all pockets of my lungs filled, down to my waist on the back, and think only of Him all along. And smile at His instant loving bestowal as a warm light behind my closed eyelids, entering my body as a single ray through the top of my head. Keep my breath as many seconds as I can while imagining the feeling and even view of how the oxygen spreads from my lungs racing along the light dispersing all across my body and organs, down to every cell, molecule and particle enlivening and energizing all, even the space around me. I feel total bliss while consciously concentrating on being within Him and receiving.
    Then I begin to lower my arms while exhaling very slowly through the mouth, and think talk to Him with the strongest possible gratitude for His bestowal I can generate inside. So strong that I can feel it coming out through the pores all over my skin even on my heels and fingertips as it rushes out from my heart filling me up with total joy. I imagine it His joy, too. Then I take 2 non conscious, normal breaths and exhales, and repeat the cycle at least 5 times.

    During the day and activities I try to keep Him on my mind. It is easier said than done. I do get distracted and then things don’t turn out the way I would want. Usually it is in the evening that I remember, it is not a nuisance but a nudge from Him. Then it is easier to smooth out my anger, frustration and judgment by remembering that He is Consciousness and thank Him for His reminder that whether feels bad or a bliss, “There is None Else Besides Him”.

    Maria B. W12

    It is nice and somewhat frustrating becoming a student again :-). Albeit never stopped learning, I  found structured study too disciplined at first. Still, the waves of frustration switched on kind a light bulb in my head. That I must be on the right path with Kabbalah if my ego wants to resist and manages to give me occasionally a hard time.

    Over this first year, the KABU study environment, the first part of the Kabbalah Revealed course, the books, the Retreat and the loving, caring attitude I feel at the zoom sessions help me through, inspire me and bring the joy of purpose and faith.

    In the second part of Kabbalah Revealed I look forward to gaining a bit deeper understanding of the structure of the inner and outer reality with the guidance of Tony,  and hope bettering myself in being a support for the friends on the course.

    Maria B. W12

    Having a strong desire to get in touch with the Upper Force, studying Kabbalah and building a feeling communication/connection with the friends involved in the study.

    Maria B. W12

    To build the “3rd Global Temple”. To work together with Friends to acquire qualities like the Creator in order to attain direct connection with the Forces of Nature and, in the process, to help Humanity to wake up to the true common mission of our lives i.e. transcending our egoistic desire of only receiving for ourselves into true altruism.

    Maria B. W12


    It may sound a silly question but it bothers me. I understand, Kabbalah tells that all humans have a point in the heart, a tiny desire piece of the shattered original soul of Adam ha Rison. That this is the only truly spiritual morsel or seed that comes into our body straight from the Spiritual realm, descending (or falling?) 125 steps of the “ladder” between the two worlds. And it helps the Kabbalist’s ascent by remembering the feelings of the individual states of the “ladder”. But exactly how and when this truly spiritual point gets into our bodily hearts according to Kabbalah?

    Maria B. W12

    Learn to be able to better connect to my inner desire, to other Friends, to communicate better and get closer to manifesting true desire of altruism.

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