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  • Raie

    The idea that we have unlimited free will is in fact an illusion. IMO.  As evidenced in a multitude sources including  stories in the Bible were even the devil has to get permission to mess with someone like Job for or in the vampire of lore who requires permission to enter the home. This type of free will reminds me much of the type of free will I would give to my children when they were small. Which was summed up in my  famous slogan, “You can have anything you want..up to a limit.” This was put to use quite frequently, for instance, in the grocery store I might give their freedom of any ice cream flavor within a certain price range. Similarly, we also are given freedom within the range we are allowed. As defined by factors including to which degree our autonomic nervous system is online (Gabor Mate: When The Body Says No), we are present in mind (Retaining reflective thought) and willing to be rejected by our peer group in order to adhere to a higher code than that which is reflected in the ever shifting sands of the mob mentality.

    In addition, scientifically speaking approximately 39% of the population is capable of reflective thought at any given time, however, only 10% of the population actualizes the reflective thought process when confronted with peer pressure (The ultimate marshmallow in the ultimate marshmallow test). Reflective thought being the earmark of free will. Because reflective thought alone allows us to step above our animalistic desires to fit in at any expense, which desire physiologically is at the root of phenomenon like mass genocide. This is evidenced in the Milgram study which has been re-produced in culture after culture, presently on this earth, and produce the same results regardless of religion. Namely that upwards of 61% of all people will torture another person to death if an authority figure prompts him to do so. That number jumps to 90% when peer pressure is added to the mix. Leaving only 10% of people who retain the ability to think reflectively under the spell of peer pressure and approval.

    It’s an irony that 10% of the population statistically is given disproportionate amount of abuse in childhood. Studies have also found that the child who is scapegoated is often a child who does not go with the flow of the family, who usually is engaged in some sort of ill conceived practices. This literally means that society is scapegoating the 10% who are capable of reflective thought under all circumstances possibly from birth. This abuse when inflicted in a certain timeframe of youth causes the connections to the frontal lobe that form by play, i.e. mirroring creating neural pathways in the mind that allow us to reach our frontal lobe for the purpose of reflective thought, in addition, the nervous system gives us our ability to function within our body and within reality and forms our perceptions of reality- these things are caused in these early formative years. So, these things can be fractured by circumstance when a child is still in a hypnotic brain state in their formative years. I personally believe this belief that the body is so insignificant that it can’t be compared to the soul, that it can exchange organs with other species and continue to live even without its body parts in exist for the sake of the soul alone is a partial truth much like the partial truth presented post Babylon. But I mean by that is it product of dualistic thinking. The body and the soul are meant to be married. Whatever our perceptions of reality are, it is proven by science that our body does in fact tell the tale and hold the memory. Much like my fingers remember how to play piano. Muscle memory. Our body was made from the substance of the earth, our soul is not disconnected from this.


    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #43601

    That I never should have forgotten.


    I want to round out my understanding as best as possible in order to avoid the destruction of everything that matters and be in flow with the creator and creation in my spot functioning and balanced while operating optimally.

    in reply to: How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered? #43487

    By praying with a sincere intention to change and believing in the creators sincere intention to prosper me in His Kingdom by increasing in His tangible presense, while think clearly and making strides physically. Additionally, not using words helps me. I find it’s better to imagine the world being healed for instance, with feeling and request knowing it’s the will of the Creator and It’s intention/idea. Therefor definite. Therefor prayer is time travel and yet it is being here. There’s more fruit in terms of personal peace for me sans words.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #43228

    Hi, my name is Raie I live in the mountains of Southern California. I’m looking forward to what we can discovered together.


    I don’t have the ability to describe how I feel in words.

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