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  • Verena

    Well, it says the course is about the  „blueprint of creation… so in analogy of understanding the blueprint of a house, I feel it gives me an idea, of what I am going to expect to work with as I progress, or to at least glimpse at what might come into realisation at one point. I am getting, building that house or even living in it… well, thatś a totally different thing. But for now, I am happy to just at least to get an idea… even if I am not grasping all of it… Itś a different language, a different approach, but that lights the spark of curiosity, and that again helps me to stay on… because I am starting to get this is not done by taking a few classes… itś a lifelong process.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387917

    I am wondering about the preparation question… how we would try to show the upper light that we would like to connect… and since I just at the beginning of this journey… I am wondering  a lot about this process… which as I understood as an inner process, and not a deed or words. Is that something that just forms in us, like a felt prayer (not necessarily a spoken one), with the hope to thus find the right direction?


    I would try to become still, maybe in nature, and in that (hopefully) stillness allow that wish to form, to connect  to the upper light… and ask for any change or clarity needed to move a first step into the right direction/ follow the right intention… in the hope to learn how to let go of egoistic impulses trying to just bestow to myself, but rather to really find that intention to bestow to my friends… which will probably be a very long journey, anyways.


    The concealment itself increases the tension, the yearning for the revelation of what has been concealed. So when we expect itÅ› something good, like a gift, bestowed on us, the concealment will increase our yearning and also the delight we derive from the gift when unwrapping it.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387815

    Hi, Why would we be called the final generation…? And what does the term „generation“ refer to… is it like a phase of development, or is it „generation“ in terms of human life span?  I did understand, that the revelation of Kabbalah timewise goes along with this phase of extreme egoism, and also a chance to really diseminate the  widsom, because the world is so connected… yet I am trying to detach from a feeling of „final call“ , especially as there is no time and space in spirituality.


    I am trying to understand the theory that underlies the perception,… so that when I might get to the point of working with a group, I can relate causes and actions. Also, I am just really intrigued by this „world“ of spirituality, and itś just like journeying to a place I have never heard of before… itś preparing myself for this journey.

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