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  • in reply to: What is the correct way to give to others? #387387

    If we  feel a desire in ourselves, and instead of fullfilling that desire for ourselves we decide to turn to our friends and fill their desire with the will to bestow, their happiness will fill us with double delight –  a fulfilled desire and the joy of bestowing to them. So, we should give with the intention to really want to bestow, to delight or friends through fullfilling their needs or desires.


    If our intention becomes that of fullfilling the desires of our friends, than their happiness will fill us with light, and thus we will. find pleasure of a different kind in comparison to that fleeting pleasure we got before through fullfilling our own desires.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #387338

    Hi, I am Verena from Germany, and I feel like I would really like to know more about that connection between my perception, my desires and how it connects to others desires, and how to build a beneficial connection

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1 #387337

    Hi, I am Verena from Germany, and I have only recently started learning about Kabbalah. I am very intrigued by it and the question how our desires form our reality, and how by changing the intention of our desires our reality might be influenced, actually also whether or not there is any such thing as reality, which seems unlikely from what I’ve learned so far, and how to deal with the fact that this might be more of an illusion than we think it is.


    I am not mother tongue English, but still, it’s a common language for me, whereas I  unfortunately don’t know a word of Hebrew. I like the sound of both languages , so in both cases I could just calm down through the sound of it.But that might just be a mental effect of relaxation. Listening to the English version, I could not stop my mind creating pictures connecting to the content. Mostly something containing the flow of light and energy. In Hebrew, I found myself to be calmer, but also less attentive. Both is giving me peace.


    My mind or rather my heart is blown by the fact that it is all happening in the connection to each other,…and checking out this part of the course just after the retreat, I am still under that totally blasting experience of how this can actually happen and work…in spite of being far apart in terms of corporeal thinking….how much can happen through and in the connection in a group.

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