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  • Verena

    „Love thy neighbor as thyself“… this is just mindblowing all by itself. And to understand that the impact of  any action will be determined by the intention that leads it… that is really getting me… ☺️☺️☺️


    Hi Seth, thanks a lot for your answer. I really appreciate it… as well as the chance to learn and eventually turn it to practice… the examples you gave here are actually addressing exactly the core of my question and the underlying confusion (…doing what I am doing in my life out there it’s how I wake up every morning and go to bed every night… so for me these examples are so to the point…and it’s actually why I asked…thanks a lot for this clarification).

    Thanks also for phrasing the goal so clearly;

    „The goal is to bring love to everyone in the world, and more than that to bring all of reality into a harmonious, integral balance, all people, animals, celestial objects, everything“

    This is the most beautiful goal I can imagine, and I am totally fine to start with the smallest group … and even if it will take ages to learn… if I can manage to keep this in mind. The way you summed it up,  is exactly why I started studying … so thank you for busting my confusion ☺️




    I have got a few basic questions about what to expect when working in a group… after all, even in a Kabalistic group itś about humans 🙂 So one  thing, is, that I am very appreciative of starting this „Kabbalistic lab group“… to have a safe space to try out to enhance love for others ,support others, to correct myself. I can really resonate with it in terms of working on my desires, in terms of self-experienance and learning how to reflect and correct and support. It sounds like a great chance to practice. However in about half of the threads I read it sounded like there was some ambiguity. Rather, that there is two ways of acting… egoistic in the corporeal world, altruistic in the kabalistic group. I understand why it is important to have a safe space, but I do not understand why there are possibly excuses made for how we act in the corporeal world. I am not saying that we should not protect ourselves, not at all, but I feel we do have responsibility also in the corporeal world, … we always have responsibility how we act towards others. How is this referred to in Kabbalah… and if it is not adressed in terms of the corporeal world, then why?

    That doesńt mean I would  allow for me to be trampled on. It´ś just,  how is this responsibility we always have, also in the corporeal world, and especially if we gain deeper understanding, referred to in Kabbalah?

    I hope this is not a too provocing matter. It´ś just making me feel really reluctant to think I would go and give excuses for being outwardly egoistic in the corporeal world, and claim this was not included in my way of spirituality, for itś not my group… I know it might be easily answered by „you will learn… then you will see…“ but I really feel if I am to follow a path, I have to understand the responsibility within.


    Connect with others to help them advance, trying my best on this journey, reflecting on where I am and going on from there, correcting what I am able to reveal as being an egoistic state. Listen to my friends‘ advice and reflection, and knowing it is a lifelong process, and not a race….show mercy towards myself and others… for maybe not getting where I  feel I should.


    Dear Gianni, thanks for letting me know… I am glad I am not heading into a totally wrong direction. 😊And a big thanks to everyone for all these wonderful courses and material. Itś really just so mindblowing, and I am impressed at how all these very life-changing content is presented in such a patient, and gentle way.🪷

    Hopefully, itś not getting to bothering, but there is yet one more question that has been with me for the past weeks… and that is how to study correctly? So far, I just got this very rough overview, but I really tried to feel all the content, so I tried to be there with an open heart… and open my mind as much as I could… but I probably could go through the courses another ten times to memorize all the names and structures. It felt all right to do it this way,  more focusing on the experience than the cognitive process alone, but then I always wondered… what is the purpose of studying? What would be the right preparation… and what should be the goal?  You know, I would like to just use these ressources wisely…


    Hi, so now that I am almost through this course and a few more, it just dawns to me that this form of Spirituality, Kabbalah, is really fundamentally changing my perspective, and really different to anything I have learned so far. Now, I am wondering, if my understanding is correct, because if it is … it means a deep shift of perspective and deep inner change…

    I wonder if you could please tell me if I got something very wrong in how I understood things, so that I know before I start walking into the totally wrong direction.

    So thatś what I understood: In terms of Kabbalah, itś about the development of the whole of creation. We are just little fractals of this whole, and as such there is no point trying to advance our individual skills or even power, ask prayers for ourselves or our benefit,…because we are just these tiny little parts of the whole anyways. So we dońt inherit any power in ourselves or for ourselves, just like a cell is not sovereign of the body. In fact, there is no need for us to have more power, because creation is one whole, and all we are is a tiny piece. But what we may have  is the chance to develop a connection to the whole, and as such we may learn to direct our intention and energy towards the whole.

    And if we want to develop, then it should be to develop our understanding and attainment of this , in benefit for the whole. Like an ant in an anthill or a bee in a beehive. And therefore, any prayer needs to contain that yearning and wish for the whole ,and not for us… and the later is not needed anyways, because the light of the upper force is as good as can be anyways, only we might not feel it from where we are. So, any development in this world as a human being should be directed towards understanding this system, overcoming that egoistic state of mind and heart again and again, and advance in really attaining this world of spirituality being …even while being just a tiny spark of creation. However, in connection with the other sparks, each correcting bits, it will develop the whole. And the more we learn to connect and correct, the more light we will feel.

    OK, so hopefully that doesńt go too far astray. I feel quite overwhelmed (in a good way) with the change of perception this form of spirituality is asking…

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