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  • Nick Martinez

    To be perfectly honest, I’m still quite confused on this issue.

    It seems that according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, there is no possible way on my own to perceive the Creator as the sense that grants us this ability is of course – granted from above. From what I understand, prior to the development of the screen, the work is in building and magnifying the desire to connect with the Creator through study, through the friends (other points in the heart), and through prayer. But until the screen is developed, it seems that we can only have Faith Above Reason that our efforts to make contact with the Creator are received and that it forms into some semblance of a mutual relationship.

    Personally speaking, I try with all of my heart to maintain an awareness that there is none else but Him, and reach Him through daily prayer, sometimes all throughout the day. This can be quite difficult at times, considering that corporeality and mundane desires can often demand so much of our attention. But for now, all I can do is appeal to the Creator to continue to strengthen my desire and have Faith.

    But as mentioned, I’m still not sure if what I’m doing is correct.

    Nick Martinez

    To the best of my ability to be sincere in my egoistic state, I sincerely wish for all of you to reach spiritual attainment. While most of us are physically separated through the computer, I hope that at some point we can become connected and combine our shared desired for spirituality. Have a wonderful day everyone

    Nick Martinez

    Hi there,

    As always, I have deep appreciation and respect for the instructors that spend their time answering our questions. Thank you.

    My question for this week, while not entirely related to the material – has to do with the ‘Screen’ and what practically does it mean to build one.

    I have begun to develop the sensation that there is a ‘giver’ behind both the desires and fulfillments of my mundane existence in ‘This World’. And while I understand intellectually that building the Screen involves inverting the intention on how that fulfillment of the desire is accepted, I cannot help but feel that I am deluding myself into feeling like it is even possible to receive some fulfillment for a mundane desire for the sake of the Creator – despite whether I feel or cannot feel that this fulfillment comes from a source (The Creator).

    It seems like only _direct_, unmistakable perception of the Creator is sufficient for one to ever begin building the screen, otherwise it seems as if one could easily trick oneself into believing that I am, for example, eating a delicious meal ‘for the sake of the Creator’, if one is only armed with an intellectual understanding that the fulfillment of the desire is being bestowed by the Creator.

    But then we run into a chicken/egg scenario, because as far as I have studied – one cannot actually perceive the Creator until one has built the screen.

    I understand that a heartfelt prayer for his revelation is involved in this, but the deeper I begin to think about this situation – the more confusing it gets. I tend to fallback maintaining Faith Above Reason, but certainly this does not make the inner questions disappear.

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks again.

    Nick Martinez

    At my current level, I been attempting to put great effort into remembering through as many moments of each day that


    1. There is nothing that exists but the Creator. In other words, that all apparent forces of corporeal reality are really just the force of the Creator

    2. It follows from #1 that, any challenge or difficulty I must face is sent directly from the Creator, even if that challenge feels as if the Creator pushing me away from Him.

    3. That the Creator and His goal for creation is completely and totally benevolent, and therefore all difficulties (and pleasures for that matter) are all aimed at bringing my soul into equivalence with Him.

    When I am able to remember these things throughout my day in corporeal existence, simply speaking the management of my own life becomes drastically easier and it’s difficulties allow me the opportunity to exercise Faith Above Reason and cling to the Creator for correction.

    Nick Martinez

    Hi there,

    I truly appreciate the effort this organization puts into educating it’s students. Thank you. I feel that I have so many questions, it’s difficult to know where to begin. One that sticks out to me at this present moment is related to the spiritual worlds/degrees.

    Does Kabbalah eventually describe in specifics the various degrees of spirituality (1-125) / spiritual worlds, enough to allow the student to accurately assess their current spiritual standing? It seems as if the non-empirical nature of these states make it impossible for one to ever know whether they are on the 23rd or 75th degree, or frankly if they have even crossed the barrier at all and if they are hopelessly stuck in complete and total egoism.

    Thanks again for your time and effort!

    Nick Martinez

    The study of Kabbalah should lead us to perceiving reality from the perspective of the Creator, which is a state of complete and total altruism. In this state, we would no longer be bound by the limitations of the ego – in that the outcomes of the mundane would cease to cause us suffering because the vested personal interest in those outcomes no longer exist. Instead our new source of pleasure would come exclusively from pleasing the Creator – which of course is unlimited in its potential!

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