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    • #282562

      .. allow me to share a dream to you when I was at the age of 10 or 11, now you must understand that I grew up as ignorant and not really religious but was sent to church and sunday school and unfortunately for me I didn’t understand really anything of what was taught or perhaps I was not interested and I’ve never heard or knew about Moses or halos and the like of it! Or neither about commandments and so forth

      .so allow me to share this dream of which I had as a child, perhaps someone here maybe enlightened to shed some understanding..I’m now 56

      I dreamt I was sitting on a carpeted floor in front of a single bed ejere a holy man was lying on his back stretched out and by his foot end was two men standing, one waa a tall man and the other medium of height and the holy man that was lying on the bed had a type of circle round his head of which it seemed like halo. I was sitting on the floor with the broken pieces of stone of tablet which Moses wrote the commandments on, the ones which he tjrew and broke when saw that the people was busy worshipping the idle god..and I sat with those broken pieces and said ” Look what Moses have done?!” I remember I was the only one that spoke in the dream, after I said rhose words I woke up. Today I’m 56 and still remember that dream so clearly, only thing I can’t remember or brought out is the faces of these men.

      Thank you kindly for reading my message
      Rowena Dawn van der Poel

      • #288696

        The dreams most often piece together, facts and illusions, irrationally. Going to church and Sunday school, even if you did not pay attention, was a large source of dreams material. The subconscious mind takes note of much more than the conscious. The dream is most likely a mixture of facts you’ve heard/visualized (imagined while ‘not’ listening) that impressed you somehow. I remember being a kid and reading in the Bible that Moses broke the tablets (“written on with the finger of god“). I was 8 or 9, and I remember feeling enraged at Moses: “How can you hurt these tablets that the finger of god wrote?” It was like: “Moses, you broke God’s finger!” I felt hurt for God, did not want to hurt Moses, just felt that he knew better what is of value. I never told anyone. But I can see you, in your dream saying what I felt. From your story of this dream I sense that your subconscious mind was interested & preoccupied with spiritual matters and you loved god, even though you consciously deny this. I know nothing of dream interpretation if that’s what you’re looking for. The fact that you remember that dream vividly tells me that it shocked you, you frequently revisited it, and that your subconscious holds many memories unavailable to your conscious. It might be the call to develop spiritually. That’s my 2 cents. I appreciate you, and your sharing this here.

    • #282446
      David Mancini

      Is the war in Ukraine good?

      • #282724
        Richard Lively

        All is good, and nothing is bad.    It is actually a good thing for the ego to present itself to the individual or even on a global level, because this is not only proof it needs to be corrected but also that it can start to correct.  To take a side would be the wrong way to look at it.  The upper forces push us through our “reminiscence” of what we need to remember at the time to move toward corrections.  The world seeing such aa thing shows us that our ego is ruling globally, and it is very important we all become more unified, or better described as  “become one heart”.  Its hard not to take a side because we want to be part of that process of ego (all we know how to do is take or make things about ourselves) this is the will to receive in side and the will to take on ones own behalf.  Naturally we will want to judge but we really dont understand this is just a force doing what it does, which is push us to correction in the right environment (this can be large spiritual gains in both quantity and quality developments).  On a political level this is none of our concern simply because it is the Ego being the Ego.  On a spiritual level this should really motivate us to do our part in unification to make this type of event that seems “evil” as less of a blow and more of an opportunity to become more unified and corrected as a whole.

      • #282692

        Hi David,

        The answer depends on a person’s development. The Kabbalists tell us that at the highest height of spiritual attainment, There Is None Else Besides Him, and that everything that happens is only good and for our benefit. However, we cannot understand why certain phenomena occur in the world, or even in our own lives. For this, we must rise to the degree of perception of the Kabbalists who say that there is no such thing as bad in the world.

        Rather, everything that occurs brings us closer to our purpose, being adhesion with the Creator. Still, the ideal form of advancement is through our increased aspiration to connection, and not through such destructive forces. What is happening now in the world is a sign that we must increase our effort. If we do, we will not need wars to awaken us.

    • #282175
      Richard Lively

      1. although I am not 100% sure, I feel the answer was possibly given I have two questions.  The first is, which of the Kabu books explain SAG.  I was told in my live Q and A that this was the will to bestow from sefirot Bina.  But where can i read about this as this too is not exactly easy for me to understand.  I am trying to learn the process of the entire tree how it works.  I am currently in the Blueprints of creation and was told it was in the Glossary of Kabbalah for the student (which I own) and I checked it was not there.

      2.  When do we actually no longer sense just earth, can you feel the upper force and worlds prior to learning about Kabbalah or is this a  process that is revealed through learning?  I feel as though Kabbalah is exactly what I have always known therefore I dont sense anything different, but Im wondering if its possible I could even be in a state that would know in the upper worlds since I dont technically have a screen because I have no ten.  How does one know they are part of the “assembly” of Yashar El (Malchut)?  Is this after getting into a ten?


      • #282394

        Hi Richard,

        After you finish this course and head to the Graduate Environment you’ll have access to one of our student’s favorites (if you already have an inclination for that kind of material) Pticha or The Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah where you’ll get a very thorough rundown and for sure and answer to this question. My suggestion is to write this question down and see when it becomes relevant in that course and ask it there.

        Regarding your second question, we always have to sense the Earth, this world, the will to receive. This is our material and our nature. “Feeling”, as I’m sure you’ve already learned, can only occur while there are two existing opposites – light/dark, hot/cold, etc… Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary to feel this world the way we do now, and above or atop this sensation and perception, build the perception through the quality of bestowal above the quality of reception.

        This isn’t something that happens in a flash. Look at how children develop, how all of them, all of us, go through the same stages at about the same rate. The same is true with spirituality except the advancement and maturation has to do with the effort one puts in and is not dependent on time like in our world.

        Building the quality of bestowal above our will to receive takes time and many inner adjustments, thousands of them – but the main thing is effort. When you begin to exert in the correct direction, the upper force of nature is what makes the changes in us. The changes don’t come from how much I know or how much I stuff in my brain, otherwise, I could start convincing myself that the things I’m reading are occurring within me, wherein truth all I’m doing is digging deeper into my ego where I’m comfortable and secure in my knowledge and control. This is the opposite approach you will need if you want to know what the quality of bestowal is.

        The main thing is to continue. Let the environment work on you. Continue to make efforts and try and find your way. The beginning is exciting and fun and full of many new emotions and understandings and you’ll need this foundation. Keep going and we hope to see you int he Grad. Environment. Good luck!


        • #282723
          Richard Lively

          I am currently 20 years in and recently made major changes (almost 180s) and i cant understand why.  Things that were once fully in control of my life that i was absolutely powerless against simply disappeared as in control.   This is why i asked about if one is able to make this type of progress.  I found Kabbalah about 5 years ago i just started taking it serious.  But i have been exposed to it through Tony’s videos prior to joining Kabu (they used to be an extension on his older website.   I did try to logically resist that this was an option but more and more it kept coming back as a possible solution.  I am reading all the books of the courses that I take that I have purchased to date.  I have finished the Science Of Kabblah and i plan to return to that again at a later date.  I am currently reading disclosing a portion.  and of course all the things recommended in the reading section of the courses that I have access to.  I will keep this in mind and I fully intend on continuing.  So far it all makes sense except what is “foriegn” to my native understanding of what is being discussed.  I am currently learning Hebrew so hopefully this helps as well.



    • #281973
      Ty Palodichuk

      Am I a Goyim untill I attain the level of Adam?

      • #282043

        Hey Ty,

        It’s only the matter of desire. If you have a desire to attain the Creator and be fulfilled by Him, then this is called “Isra-el”, “straight to the Creator”, speaking of the desire that awakens in those who have this yearning. “Adam” is the structure, it’s the development of the desire to be similar to the Creator.



    • #281493

      i remember a long time ago i heard laitman or someone from your guys’ group say that you’re like not allowed (or something) to charge for kabbalah teaching.  i’ve always thought about how you gave everything away for free, including books.  it surprised me to see how things changed a bit.  can you explain this to me?

      • #281547

        Hey Michael,

        There were a few calculations, but clearly, the first one is the growing cost of maintaining and updating all the resources we manage. It just wasn’t feasible to continue with that method and at the same time have goals of reaching as many people as possible. The internet has become a fight for your attention, so we have to play according to those rules too.

        Hope that helps. Thanks!


    • #280853
      David Mancini

      I want to do some dissemination that can help me develop my Final Cut skills.  How?

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