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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 1,210 total)
  • Author
    • #333717
      mrc s

      Which is higher mental or emotion?

    • #333688
      mrc s

      Does G-od fill all things?

    • #333687
      mrc s

      When the tzimtzum occurred to allow a vacant space for creation where is G-d, does he withdrew to the side

      • #333758

        “Where” already implies space and time. There are no words and no mind to grasp the concept.

        • #333795
          mrc s

          So G-d is everywhere?

    • #333612
      mrc s

      Maybe I got the reason for suffering: He allows us to make mistakes and have suffering so that we learn all by ourselves

      • #333676

        Hi mrc,

        Yes and no. “Mistakes” aren’t completely our fault. Certainly you can label them “mistakes” since at the time of the decision there was a “correct” action and an “incorrect” action–yet, if there is None Else Besides Him then this was His doing and therefore no “mistake”. However, you could also say that if I would have acted “correctly”–which is truly our goal–then there would have been no “mistake”. Yet, as you mentioned, it’s us revealing our “mistakes” which show us what needs correction. In this way, you could say there is no path of correction without revelation of evil. So what you said is correct, but don’t be confused and think we are the ones making these mistakes, rather, the Creator created us and broke us in order for us ourselves, to consciously put these pieces together.



    • #333587
      mrc s

      Does the kabbalah have the occult part, mystic and neutral?

      • #333675

        Not sure what other Kabbalistic methods are out there, but the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah only serves someone who wants a method of correction to work on them and bring them from reception to bestowal.

    • #333568
      mrc s

      Is malkuth dual, its associated with our feet?

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 1,210 total)
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