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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 1,210 total)
  • Author
    • #333567
      mrc s

      Is hesed and gevurah associated with the arms or shoulders?

    • #333566
      mrc s

      Is netzach and hod the hips or the hands?

      • #333672

        I would not try and associate the physical and the spiritual. When you start on that path, it makes it more difficult to internalize. When you go there, it’s hard to come off that path. Instead of emotionally looking for answers, emotionally navigating through the path, you first try and use logic and reason–you start looking for some “image” to make sense of things and it’s simply an obstacle.

    • #333565
      mrc s

      The heart is the sum total of our desires., what about our eyes, genital and feet?

      • #333671

        There’s nothing besides desire. It’s all that was created. Anything else are just differences in desire, corrected desires, etc.

    • #333564
      mrc s

      Is the brain or the eyes more important? why?

    • #333563
      mrc s

      Is the upper parts of the body more important or the middle?

    • #333561
      mrc s

      Does the Light have a heart?

Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 1,210 total)
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