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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 1,210 total)
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    • #333465
      mrc s

      Since the physical is the lowest level is nothingness or space the spiritual?

      • #333501

        There is no “absence” in spirituality–not the way you are wanting to understand it here.

    • #333464
      mrc s

      Is assiya more material than yetzirah and it more than beriyah and so on?

      • #333499

        There’s something to what you’re saying but it’s not correct to say that would be correct. The more accurate approach would to return to the foundation that the entire reality exists within me. This small sliver of a reality I see entering my eyes, ears–what I smell etc., this is all the lowest level of perceiving existence. Forces make up reality, not matter.

    • #333450

      5  Transition Phase: Monkeys

      Ajem… Excuse me. I must miss something.  Where is “Let’s create the men to our imagen and…”?  I am reading all the time, Create, Create, Create and create isn’t “develop” or transform, Moises used semantic in his explanation of the creation?

    • #333449

      Ok “we” receive in order to give, but what “we” really want is to give. In this, we never will enjoy receiving as is the purpose of the creator unless “we” become totally egoist”.  In this scenario, I personally, will give all what I do not need (if there is that limit) and when I say “have&give” I include all, love, knowledge, faith, compassion, help, counselling you named. Especially if the other soul, know that isn’t coming from me but from the creator. Of course, this is rational and materialistic thinking. On the other side of the same line of thinking, I should be glad to suffer what some else should be suffering, but how the other soul will know, he/she is not suffering because some else is suffering for Him/Her? (Me in this case).  NOTE: I say “WE” because the scenario is after the CLI is crack and divided.


      • #333497

        Hi Rafael,

        We will learn as we grow how do balance all the details, just like a child isn’t worried about how to run before they walk. There’s a gradual, natural progression.



    • #333443
      mrc s

      Is Heaven and the Spiritual worlds the same?

    • #333442
      mrc s

      Where is the spiritual worlds located?

Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 1,210 total)
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