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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 451 through 456 (of 1,210 total)
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    • #333278
      mrc s

      The opposite of G-d must be a being who is fully evil, we’re not like that, we just want pleasure?

      • #333296

        Evil is defined as that which wants to receive as opposed to be similar to the Creator. We were created opposite. It’s written, “I created the evil inclination, I created the Torah as a spice (to correct that nature)”

        Our nature wants to receive the pleasure, the question is with what intention?


    • #333266
      mrc s

      Does G-d needs us to give?

      • #333295

        This is His nature. Like Kabbalists tell us, He wants to do good, but to whom? The nature of the quality of love necessitates something to receive the good.

    • #333263
      mrc s

      I’m starting reading Talmud Eser Sefirot where can I found the dictionary for the names like Ohr Elyon and Tachtonim etc.?

      • #333294

        Hey mrc,

        If you have Kabbalah for the Student, there is a glossary there. There is also “question and answer” in TES. There is also a half-finished glossary in the last volume I believe.


    • #333262
      mrc s

      In the poem of the Tree of Life the Light fills the entire reality, where is G-d in the picture?

    • #333232
      mrc s

      Is there eternal punishment/damnation?

      • #333292

        Hey mrc,

        The program of nature develops us only towards greater connection and correction. If we deviate from this, it is still towards correction and never “backwards”.


    • #333231
      mrc s

      Does people stop talking to G-d and prophecy because of the destruction of the temple, why not built the third temple maybe we can communicate with Him like the Patriarchs and Prophets again.

      • #333291

        Hey mrc,

        “Temple” is the term referred to the Kli, the vessel which reveals the Creator. The construction or ruin of the temple only refers to the inner connection between people who arrange themselves in attitudes of bestowal.



Viewing 6 posts - 451 through 456 (of 1,210 total)
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