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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 445 through 450 (of 1,210 total)
  • Author
    • #333347
      mrc s

      The outer is only Light so if I punch another does he hurt or not? if not how?

    • #333346
      mrc s

      Does G-d suffer for His Creation, does He always in in a state of pleasure?

      • #333483

        Kabbalists tell us He suffers by our suffering–as you can imagine parents towards their children.

    • #333331
      mrc s

      Is the earth (precisely the Temple on the mount) the center of the universe as on the beard of G-d?

      • #333482

        The geographical or physical locations don’t influence the spiritual. “Man is an entire world.”. All of it is within us and not some “place” on planet Earth.


    • #333329
      mrc s

      Is the Spiritual the past and the physical present or both the present?

      • #333481

        The present moment is all we have. The past is something we can use to “reflect” on.

    • #333326
      mrc s

      Is there a being who wants to destroy others even itself?

      • #333424

        Hey mrc,

        No being. Just the force of the ego which only considers itself in an integral system.


        • #333474
          mrc s

          So humans are not G-d’s opposite then?

    • #333325
      mrc s

      Is evil wanting to destroy others even itself and good wants to benefit and to receive only means that?

      • #333345

        Hey mrc,

        That’s pretty accurate. I wouldn’t say it wants to destroy itself but it’s similar cancer which destroys the host organsim. The ego can only consider itself and in an interconnected and interdependent this is detrimental.



Viewing 6 posts - 445 through 450 (of 1,210 total)
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