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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #313382

      Sometimes I experience great anxiety before asking questions and participating in lessons. This takes a lot of effort to overcome, and occasionally I feel paralysed. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Will this eventually change?

      • #313580

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey Ricki,</p>
        We are all a bit different, and yes I have heard of people having such a reaction. There certainly are physical remedies which you could try like advised below, but also, a person in who studies Kabbalah generally becomes much calmer. They are learning about the one singular force in nature, the one that even causes you to feel such phenomena.

        This understanding gradually sinks in and the lesson becomes the source of your oxygen, the place you connect to the source of life. I don’t see babies who are less calm while in their mothers arms.

        Best of luck!


        • #313597

          Thank you!

      • #313566

        Ricki, I experience it sometimes too. Not just with KabU but in other incidents too. I served as a council member for my city and would get anxious when I prepared something to say that I had to address. I could feel and hear my heartbeat thump so loudly and felt like everyone must see how nervous I was. I started calling it my warrior drum, lol.  But the conversation that ensued after was always easier. I am far better and more comfortable writing to express myself and to communicate. Having naturally occurring conversations is much easier for me too. My advice is to not let it stop you. Breath through it. Inhale for a count of three, hold for a count of three and then exhale for a count of three.

        • #313598

          What a relief! thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • #313381
      mrc s

      If outside me only light where is other people?

      • #313579

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey mrc,</p>
        This is what the light portrays to you. Also see my answer below to Adelina.



    • #313356
      Adelina Santos


      How is it called the light that gives life to matte in our physical World?

      Thank you


      • #313578

        Hi Adelina,

        I am not sure I 100% understand your question, but I think I can answer with this…That the matter is always the will to receive. The ”light” is what activates, fulfills this matter. We don’t see the light but we see the reaction of matter.

        Hope that helps, thanks!

        <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>

        • #314407
          Adelina Santos

          Hi Chris

          Is Ner Dakik rhe light that gives life to the corporal body?

          Thank you


    • #313158

      How do I know if my emotion is dominate?  Where you said you do need your intellect.  I feel this may be a silly question but I don’t understand.


      Did the saying “as above, so below” come from Kabbalah?

      Did hermetisicm come from Kabbalah?

      • #313163

        Hey Todd,

        When you feel what your nature is, and you feel where you are aimed, feeling what your goal is and feeling what is missing in order to add in the correct direction. The mind will come in and help you implement the above, but it cannot do the “leading”.

        Most things came from Kabbalah someway, somehow. 6,000 years ago is a long time and with Adam first revealing the upper system then, passing it along for many many generations – all kinds of ideas and philosophies and combinations and interpretations come from it. Of course, we can’t track down the actual threads tieing whatever faith or concepts to Kabbalah, but the idea is that the revelation of the upper worlds to people in the world already instigated certain changes in humanity to occur and develop in a way that would allow the wisdom itself to develop along with humanity and its egoistic trajectory.


    • #313115
      mrc s

      So is it because we are compelled to achieve the state of God that we suffer?

      • #313131

        Hey mrc,

        We only feel suffering as a result of the concealment. If we can rise above the concealment, this is called revelation and we see that no ‘bad’ exists but only in our perception.



    • #312951

      I recently participated in a meditation. During the meditation there was a part where the instructor said all that I need is within my soul and instructed me to feel my soul ( if I remember correctly) . At this time I saw something like a lung with branches or rather a tree. I cried when this image appeared to be lighting up and alive and nourishing me with a sense of well being. After my meditation I saw a similar image in the form of your website logo. What does the tree like image in your logo represent?


      • #313130

        Hi Khalid,
        <p style=”text-align: left;”>It’s just a depiction for, ‘as above, so below’, which just refers to the spiritual roots and corporeal branches. You could also say there is a reference to the Ari’s tree of life.</p>

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