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    • #288716
      mrc s

      Is reaching the state of gadlut inevitable or we can remain only in katnut..?

      • #288784


        When the state of Katnut is stabilized, the state of Gadlut is then revealed, but this is only in order to strengthen the intention in the work of Katnut, which is the primary form of work.

    • #288640

      The focus on “self” in Kabala seems confused.  There’s lot’s of talk about the construction of so-called reality and it’s illusory nature.  There’s also much discussion in Kabala of the unified nature of The All / The Light and it’s “clothing” which forms reality.  Yet,  all of this presupposes an observing “self” which is of necessity distinct.  Thus, there is an inherent contradiction. If so called reality is unified, i.e. One then how can it be observed?   And, while the experience of a “self” certainly seems to be real, when one is sought, it cannot be found and it “appears” that there really is no self but rather the illusion of one based on memory and neurology.   So, is reality unified or is it dual?  And, is Kabala’s focus on self a reification of this illusion? Or, is it merely an issue of languaging and convenience?

      • #288675

        Hey Benjamin,

        Really the answer is both. You’re basically asking about free choice, since wherever this exists, that’s where my “I” is which is somehow autonomus in those conditions. However simply “observing” doesn’t necessarily imply the action of free choice.

        Kabbalah explains that in the end of correction, there will be no discernable difference between the created being and the Creator. Where then is the “I” that’s observing?

        The whole path is for us to develop the necessary opposite qualities so that those opposites exist in us alongside the complete revelation of the upper force and you were given a unique perspective or “angle” from this viewing structure called the soul.



        • #288812

          How can the “I”  (clothed light) be autonomous? If everything is One Light “clothed”  then the individual, independent nature of The “I” is illusory and isn’t this teaching a reification and (perhaps even deification) of an illusion?


        • #288816

          You exercise free choice in a place that exists only from the side of the created being which is, as if, vacant of the influence of the upper force, where the created being chooses to use its given nature as a vehicle for bestowal. This is only a possibility if the created being feels and recognizes the difference between the receiver and the giver. Something has to exist to make these calculations and to feel these sensations, even if it is an illusion. The ultimate revelation of Truth is the path of revealing more and more what false is.

    • #288613
      mrc s

      How long does the a descent in spirituality lasts..?

      • #288673

        Depends how long it takes for you to realize you’re in a decent or if you receive another awakening from above.

    • #288606
      mrc s

      Is there a feminine and masculine part of everything..?

      • #288670

        Hey mrc,

        Depends what resolution of reality youre referring to, but ultimately, for something to “reveal” in our perception, one thing and its opposite must exist- the law of, “there’s no light without a vessel.”

    • #288598
      mrc s

      Human connection is to be preferred than money, how about the connection with the inanimate, vegetative and animate..?

      • #288708

        Human connection is preferred only because that’s where the correction needs to happen, that’s the only thing that was broken. With a corrected attitude towards others, you’re correcting your attitude towards everything else.

    • #288534
      mrc s

      I believe in Jesus’s teachings also Kabbalah.., he said whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, he who loses his life shall find it, whoever humbles himself shall be exalted etc.., I also believe in the literal translation of Judaism. Is it okay..?

      • #288560


        Yes, this is perfectly okay. A person can believe in whatever they want and it does not interfere with the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

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