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    • #287656
      mrc s

      Why study something that makes you the worst..?

      • #288678

        Say you have a basement (or attic) full of junk, and small animals (rats), moths, spiders, termites, etc., developed homes there. You go take look. Is dark in there, you see nothing. You close the door and promise to return later with light and tools to clean up. Decades later, you go to clean your basement (or attic). You open the door, and a nauseating stench makes you step back and close the door. But you are determined, and open the door with a mask on your nose. Light on! What you see is grotesque in so many ways. You clean up one by one, each object that is salvageable and notice the destruction – many are just trash. Was the trash there before you determinately turned the light on? Yes! You just did not see it. LIGHT ON! Now you see the destruction that the ego developed over a lifetime. Of course you feel worse. Did the light cause the decay? Thanks to the light NOW YOU SEE to … clean up, to correct.

        Kabbalah is a tool, a light in the dark, and much more.

      • #287824


        If you are referring to the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah,  It doesn’t make someone worse. We are on a gradual path of discovering our true nature and how close or far that nature is to the quality of spirituality, which is only bestowal. One who studies the right books in the right environment learns what actions and efforts must be made in order to come closer to spirituality.

        It’s written, a person doesn’t actually grow worse. One’s egoism was always there; however, a person lacked the awareness. Once we become aware, we can make actions to acquire a new nature.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #287652
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I guess Im bad when I was young because now I feel bad, but at the time my intention are mostly good I guess.. Is this the fate of the “altruist”..?</p>

      • #287821


        The entire world is on a path of learning to be more connection focused. In the beginning, a person doesn’t recognize one’s selfish intentions. The more a person develops oneself in the correct environment, it becomes clear to what extent one is opposite from spirituality, which is pure bestowal. However, these observations prepare one to be able to develop the desire for bestowal.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #287644
      mrc s

      When does being within reason better than above it..?

      • #287812


        Rabash writes that regarding the connection with friends, it is better there that it will be within reason, meaning I see the greatness of my friends within reason. If this is not possible, the advice is for one to go above reason, meaning above one’s desire. This requires much preparation and a strong connection with a ten as the action is not simple.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #287635
      mrc s

      Is fornication sin..?

      • #287811


        According to Kabbalah, the only sin is not attributing everything to the force called “There is None Else Besides Him.” In truth, before a person has some minimal contact with spirituality, there is no freedom of choice for sin because a person lives according to the thoughts and desires given to them from above.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #287407
      mrc s

      Is covert offence or overts ones better..?

      • #288679

        ‘Overt’ means out in the open, noticed, amenable to correction. ‘Covert’ means hidden from view so cannot be corrected until it becomes visible. ‘Overt’ then is available to correction, is in the light already (1 step). ‘Covert’ is hidden from the light, needs the light to be exposed first, then corrected (2 steps).

        Kabbalah is the light that exposes (what is not in the likeness of our Creator), and carries the correction tools – “I have made the evil inclination and Torah as a spice”.

      • #287809


        Kabbalists don’t speak of such things. Rather, they generally advise that a person should behave as a normal, kind, respectful person in their social circles. Anything regarding law is dealt with by the courts.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #287406
      mrc s

      Does all people like when others love their posts in social media..?

      • #287808


        People seek different satisfactions in life. Some are like this and some are like that. No two people are the same.

        Joseph – KabU

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