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    • #332445

      Rav often says that no corporeal action bears any merit to the spiritual advancement, yet several times he also mentioned that it is good if we visit the graves of Baal HaSulam and Rabash at least once in a lifetime. I am confused, does any corporeal action have any significance or not?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #332454

        True but none of our actions are spiritual yet; only psychological. I’m all psychology so that’s how you have to influence my desire. When my heart moves a bit toward connection, the Light works. And such places impress me. Also, as a trip when you’re already in Israel, it’s good. We can do a little Kabbalistic sightseeing as an activity with friends. It’s good to have such experiences together. By myself, I honestly wouldn’t go.

    • #332371

      In our 10, we are doing a “round robin” where we bounce around the responsibility to pick an excerpt from the sources and workshop a question.  I found a swath of source material on

      Question: is there a particular location for excerpts and workshop questions?  I can find good excerpts but I struggle with workshop questions.  Any other advice would be appreciated to bring connection activities to our 10.

      • #332372

        There isn’t. Best is if you think of the ten and what question would cause them to need to move their hearts. Close to the passage you read is good because the friends will have been thinking about it. It’s an art to come up with questions that are less easy to generate an intellectual answer to. If you can’t think about what would work in them, think about what would work in you.

        • #332373

          You’re on fire Gianni! Such fast responses.  Thank you.

    • #332364

      How many times is it recommended to go through the young group program?

    • #332348

      How can we all do what the Rav is asking is to do and come closer to one another, wherever we are and whatever level if study,  and how can i, as a YG student and very new,  help? How can i best give back now?

      • #332350

        You only need to connect to the ten. Everything is in there. If you want to do more, help the friends connect. That’s a whole art to do it so it’ll be accepted nicely.

        • #332356

          Thanks so much

    • #332280

      Today, Friends have worked together to scrutinize and answer questions concerning Joy and how to help Others in descent or help them Connect their hearts, and we now want to ask, please:

      Is this an example of Work in Opening the Heart?

      Thank You very much

      • #332300

        When I work on the heart of the friend in whatever way, it’s open-heart surgery on my own heart, whereas working directly on my own heart is like playing with shadows.

        • #332347

          Thank You

    • #332277

      This is my first young group, Dave is the teacher.  Some in my ten want to watch Rav’s lesson on Tuesday and Thursday instead of the kabu lessons.  It has not been formally decided yet so I dont know how many from my group will be in Rav’s lesson.  How do I decide what to do?

      • #332285

        I’d recommend to stop studying Kabbalah altogether for all who choose to watch Rav’s lesson instead of the Young Group -literally- because the Young Group is what the teacher, Rav Laitman, expects from his new students, and against the teacher, there’s no hope of spiritual attainment no matter how many lessons one watches. Rabash had such a young group as well, one won’t get around this or disregard it and succeed. Here, I’m talking about newer students who did not already graduate Young Group or those who are supporting like me, that when I have to teach a Young Group that is during Rav’s lesson, I miss Rav’s lesson, no questions asked – because I know that’s what my teacher advises, and he cares most about new students advancing. Of course I’m also not speaking to students who aren’t really going all the way toward the spiritual goal yet and just casually listen to some of our stuff on the side. But this is what I say to those who think they’re going to advance seriously and relatively quickly to the Upper World.

        • #332303

          Our young group lesson is on Sunday.  If we watched on Tuesday we would miss a sage speaks with Seth.  If on Thursday we would miss Mike’s graduate class.  Does this change your answer?

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