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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #186157

      Hi Seth, your answer to Kyler responds to my question and your recommendation to Bartosz; I have been implementing since I found the YouTube materials. 

    • #185053

      everything that happens to each of us is from the creator. our free will is only whether to follow the path of light or the path of suffering. in context i do understand this. so nobody knows what will happen to us, what we will do? for example, Hitler or Napoleon, what they did was because the Creator wanted them to do it. in this life are we all just puppets? like if i cause pain to another person, i am just the Creator’s puppet to do that to this person? but how too does tikkun and reincarnation have a role in this? how are we “chosen” to do this or do that? will we understand these things more when we slowly have adhesion to the creator?


      • #185104

        To understand what Hitler did or Stalin who killed 100 million, these things take a mind and heart that is much more advanced than where we are now.  Not corporeally, but we need to enter a spiritual understanding, above this world where everything that happens in this world takes on a new form based on our new perception, this world becomes very different, like if you saw a war and then you zoom out and it is a war between your immune system and a bacteria in your body.  If you are zoomed in it looks like a war, if you zoom out you see a healthy and beautiful person.
        So let us first start to acclimate ourselves to the spiritual system and then we will be able to feel and understand how and why everything happens as it does.

    • #185043
      Felix Hernandez

      I understand that the creator does everything, especially the things I think I do from free will.

      Are we saying that all that is needed is an intense enough desire to gain closeness to the creator?

      thanks, Felix


      • #185103

        You can say that, but the words are not sufficient because it is not from might and will that we can have this desire.  We don’t have and can’t have this desire since it is not in us.  We need to acquire it slowly like a baby who is born in this world and doesn’t know anything about anyone else and slowly we raise the child to think of others, etc.  We are exactly like that towards bestowal.
        We don’t even have a clue what it is yet.

    • #185025

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>I understand this perfectly and love it because it all makes sense in my life.</p>
      But how can we say then that Malchut’s decision was independent while all the Behinot before were only operations of the creator?

      • #185034

        Hi Andreas,
        OK, so you are asking a very good question.
        Throughout the wisdom of kabbalah, at least during what we call the 6000 years or the 6 millennia, we always have two things that we encounter.  A. Spirituality has no limitations.  B.  Our corporeal heart and mind do have limitations.  So when we are studying, we have to know what we are referring to.
        Of course, there is nothing that is outside of the Creator and He manages every atom and holds everything together in exquisite harmony.
        When we refer to Malchut’s “decision” we are only talking about her attitude.  She doesn’t effect the Creator, add anything to the Creator, etc.  Only what she starts to feel herself.
        Later and after that, it’s revealed that it was Him all along.

    • #184290

      For me, it is difficult to accept that there is no good or bad in my decisions to be close or far from the creator.  I did not fully understand how is all  about ¨intentions”

      • #184351

        From our perception, of course there is good and bad.
        We live in this world and there are laws here and we have a family and there are ways that we behave in a family.
        Of course your should be “good” to your children.
        But if we go and study biology, psychology and all of the hormones in a person, we will see that our love is very natural, over thousands and thousands of years we developed like this to care for our young.
        And in society we have customs, you don’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you and we all get along because in this way it will be a more comfortable life for everyone.

        But now we are studying spirituality.
        It is a different level altogether.
        If your little daughter makes a painting with her fingers and it is a big mess but it is her artwork and she is proud and she brings it to you to give it to you.  You receive it from her.
        If you reject it, you will hurt her feelings, so by receiving, you are giving.
        In this small example you can see what we are pointing to in spirituality.
        We are not talking about an “action” so to speak.  We are talking about an attitude, an intention.

    • #127210

      how can i understand spirituality

      • #127786

        Imagine you have a son and together you are sitting at the table eating pizza.
        For him, it is a good slice of pizza and he is happy to sit with his dad.
        You paid for the pizza with money that you worked for and the money went to the bank and now it is in your pocket either in cash or card or maybe you pay with your phone.  You know that the cheese on the pizza came from a cow and you understand that the cow lived somewhere and someone milked the cow and the milk went into a truck on the highway to a cheese factory and then into plastic bags. And also the tomatoes and also the owner of the pizza shop pays rent and has employees and insurance.
        And your son, for him, it’s just a slice of pizza with dad.
        And all of that is for a piece of pizza.
        So the same for spirituality, as we grow up in spirituality, we will start perceiving the system more and more.  It takes time.  I recommend that you review all of the lessons and make notes as if one day you will teach this to someone else, write down the most important points, write down the most important questions, write down your favorite quotes, use colors or drawings if you want and slowly, slowly inside of you will will build the spiritual form and then you will feel all of the connections more and more.

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 194 total)
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