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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #296662
      Marko Podgorsek

      We are desire to receive, creator is desire to bestow.

      I understand ‘desire to receive PLEASURE’, but what if I feel something that I need to receive and it’s not pleasure? And at that time I reject it, but then it keeps pushing on me, creating pressure in me, stronger and stronger with each day until I break and then I receive it. As this didn’t happen only once, I got used to it and even though I don’t want to receive, I receive it because the Creator sent it to me, which in some way makes it easier. Is this a Masach?

      Thank you for your answer.

      • #296668


        I don’t understand your example.

        But what we go through in this world is all preparations, like a child who “cooks” alongside the parent who is cooking. The child can move the pans around and run the water but the parent purchase or grew the ingredients, gathers them, prepares them, manages the stove, etc.  The child as if goes through the motions and this builds emotional impressions in the child in order to develop properly.
        A masach is already a spiritual operation above this world.

        • #296673
          Marko Podgorsek

          More concrete example:

          I want to be a peaceful person. I try to act calm, be kind. But inside of me I feel something different, something opposite, anger, hate, a shadow of who I want to be. Then I burry that shadow deep inside me. And everytime it comes up insde of me, I push it down again. But the shadow wants to express itself, but I don’t let it. And then I see anger and hate in other people, like my shadow is projecting itself to the external world. Like: “Look at me, don’t ignore me!”
          And then I get it, I am not calm, I am hateful, angry, all that is inside me, I just buried it a long time ago an I forgot about it. Now I recognized evil inside of me and now I’m consciously aware of it.

          Is this ‘revelation of evil’ work of Kabbalah or is it in the domain of psychology?

          Acceptance of this kind of things that are not PLEASURE, but are painful recognitions of my bad side.

          This is what I was asking about.

          I hope I was a little bit clearer.


    • #296346
      Abe Tapia

      How can one explain tough love?

      • #296678


        You are discovering what the Creator made.
        Of course we don’t want to behave with these emotions towards our family, neighbors, etc, but nevertheless this is what the Creator made.

        The majority of people do not arrive at this realization, they carry on fulfilling themselves and justifying themselves.

        We, as the light shines, we start to see what is our true nature, what the Creator made and then after many efforts we realize that we need Him to invert that nature and that great minis force becomes the leverage for us to invert it (He does the heavy lifting).

        We will study all of this together.

      • #296426


        I don’t understand your question.

        I think you are asking about laws of nature. If you jump off a building is it tough love that you hit the ground?

        if a child will harm himself is it tough love that a parent will intervene even if the child is upset about it?


    • #293853

      I don’t even know where to begin. So many thoughts and feelings rushing through me as I received the lesson. It’s a confusing place to be. The more I try to understand, the more clarity I get, but then I go a bit further and everything turns to confusion and it’s like a cycle. I just want to make sure I’m taking the right actions, internally, to achieve the goal the best way, through the path of Light. Very chaotic, what’s in me right now, as I try to figure out what the Creator wants me to do. So what should I do, what should I draw my attention/intention to when I experience something in life, the good or bad sensations He throws at me, how am I to act in thought and intention when all of these things come up? How does the Creator want me to relate to these things? How do I provide him with the ultimate contentment that I can? How do I act in response to what he is giving me in my life experiences?

      • #296425


        if you don’t eat and sleep so there is no spiritual life. If you don’t pay the rent or mortgage there then there is no place to sit quietly to study.  If you neglect your family then you will be distracted from your spiritual work.
        We are learning about the cascading of the  upper light from Ein Sof all the way down to this world, the path it takes, the four phases of direct light, the four spiritual worlds, etc.

        When the creature begins to rise from below upward it follows those four phases and first we had the 1. inanimate development, starts, planets, etc, then 2. vegetative development, then 3. animate development and finally 4. human.

        Those four phases/degrees are found in each of us as well.  The first three are not related for the time being to spirituality, in that we are like all of the rest of nature that must eat, procreate, have a family, do some sort of work, etc. and on top of that we do our spiritual work which is work.

        I recommend that you slowly and comfortably organize your corporeal life so you have some time each day or each week depending on your schedule now to study. Maybe it’s 30 mins at first or an hour or more. But something consistent. In the same way that you eat every day, so you also establish a time to connect to the source material, the lesson material each day.
        You can do extra if you have time.

        You just entered university and you want to do brain surgery. But to be a good brain surgeon you can’t if you’re being pulled in 1000 directions.
        Create a stable framework for yourself and review the materials again and again. Over time you will feel that your inner world will start to organize itself as it says one’s soul will teach him…not your imagination, but as the light in the lesson material works on you it’s like a software upgrade.
        Work like this for a month. Take it seriously and you will see how you are building a good foundation.  Update me in a month. This is a long path but you can make it shorter by flowing with it.

        Good luck,


      • #294322

        I’m very happy to receive your question.
        You are going through many states quickly and it is clear to you what is happening, even as you feel confused.
        Imagine you will be a great surgeon or a great athlete, but today you are 5 years old and it’s your first day of school or first day kicking the ball around.  The good future is guaranteed, but today there is much confusion.
        Here is some advice to try for the next month.
        Keep a journal and write about how it goes.
        I look forward to hearing about your results.

        We already learned about the Still, Vegetative, Animate and Speaking degrees.
        When it comes to your SV&A desires, live as a normal person in the world.  Go to work, eat well, exercise, take care of your family.
        Simultaneously you are having a secret love affair with the Creator.  In your free time you read, you study, you watch the videos, go through the lesson materials.  But don’t try to apply everything you are learning in your spiritual work at your workplace and in the kitchen, etc.  It will be way too confusing.
        As you develop your spiritual life and in your internal world begin to stabilize the forms that the kabbalists give us in their books, the Peter who goes to work and cooks dinner will start to have a different inner life that already has a better “wifi” connection to the Creator and your SV&A desires will ascend with you.
        Slowly slowly.  We can’t skip any steps.
        Take the time to go through these exercises.
        Good luck,

    • #293842

      Does the equality of bestowal come from the Creator?

      Then what’s”the tool” that one needs to acquire to enter into spirituality?

      Sincerely, Maria P.

      • #294321

        Yes you are correct.
        The only thing that comes from the Creator is bestowal.
        All of creation is the opposite force, reception.  Creation is discerned according to four degrees of desire, inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking.  All of them different and more intense degrees of reception.
        In order to enter spirituality, we need to be more like the Creator, which is the quality to bestow.
        However, we are a desire to receive and we will remain a desire to receive, as this is the matter of creation that the Creator created.  What we have the opportunity to do is to change our inner direction from reception to bestowal.
        As a simple example, imagine that you make a holiday meal for your children.  So you are serving them, but through this giving, you are receiving, you receive pleasure from giving.
        So we can see that it is not about whether the hands give or take, it is about the inner attitude.
        This is what we will learn more about, where is that intention inside of us and how do we work with it in order to receive from the Creator, which we must, as this is how He made us, but to receive not for ourselves as a tiny little spec in all of reality, but to receive in order to bestow, to be connected to Him and everyone, everything.

    • #293731

      I am wondering if – to be in service to humanity in a loving way through intention- as a general way of being -would be considered as evolving toward correction ? If they have come to doubt the creators love for them in a difficult life experience – what is advised to help them return to faith? Is seeking equivalence of form the only way to experience the creator?

      • #293841

        Of course when we are bestowing upon the Creator, all of the benefit of all of our efforts benefits all of reality.
        I don’t know what you call the Creator and what you call the Creator’s love.
        So I don’t want to answer and confuse things with your language.
        Also faith in the wisdom of kabbalah is something different than what you are writing.
        Act with warmth and care towards those you love is good way to be.

    • #291423
      Maria Memoli

      Saying that there is no other force in the world that has the ability to do anything against Him, is equivalent to state that nothing can go against the Nature’s program?

      • #291450

        Yes.  You are correct.
        Even to the extent that there are no miracles (well, there is one), but what seems to us as miracles are just places where we didn’t yet reveal the laws of nature that are operating like that.

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