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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #414386

      I want to understand how can perceiving reality with the will to bestow from the creator who wants all good for us, and with the will to perceive as we perceive things as good or bad because of our ego align with situation where for example someone else uses for example black magic or witchcraft or similar practices to harm us or our loved ones for example physically with an illness, or a negative event, how does this apply in this context, my understanding would be that dwelling in our inner state to become as close as the creator would prevent anyone from being a nuisance to us. Do you have any idea to share on that.

      Also are there any other forces other than the creator (and the five spiritual worlds which to my understanding is based on the will to bestow) that are able to affect our reality from spiritual level to also affect our reality in the world?

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by jul.
      • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by jul.
      • #414658

        If you want to measure your weight, you have a tool, you can step on a scale.
        If you want to measure how much water is in a cup, you can do that.
        With what tool will you measure the Creator? Where does He go? Where does He fit into our life?
        Specifically in the vessel that He created called the will to receive.
        The problem is that if we are receiving with an intention to receive then we are unconscious, we are receiving like…forgive me for saying, but like a dog or any animal, we are running wherever there is maximum pleasure and minimum effort.
        We need to acquire another force from Above called an intention to bestow.
        We will continue to receive, we must, this is what He created, a will to receive, it is within this will to receive that we will feel His abundance, however with the new intention, we will receive it due to our desire to be good to Him, not to receive to only fill our belly.
        In this state, you are close to Him, you are working with the forces with Him.
        Regarding these other phenomenon that you mentioned. black magic and witchcraft, our prayer is stronger than all of these.
        Stay connected to the sources, pray for good and leave those things alone.

    • #412572
      Gates Samaniego

      I recently learned about a concept in physics called the double-slit experiment, a foundational concept in quantum mechanics. This experiment demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and matter, showing that particles like photons or electrons can exhibit properties of both waves and particles and act differently when being observed. As it pertains to our program, egoism, and perception of reality how would a Kabbalist explain this natural phenomenon? What does it say about us and our instinct to care about only ourselves, receiving (in essence only observing ourselves), vs. being more like creator, giving (perhaps more concerned with watching others)? I hope this question makes since.

      • #412630

        There are many phenomenon that science won’t be able to explain until we rise to the next higher level.
        From the point of view of Kabbalah, consciousness in our world is all possible sensations in our egoistic desire. They are closed within us, so the whole world is inside our egoistic perception.  That is the conclusion drawn by physicists experimenting with the double slit. They actually understood that it is the observer’s cognition that defines the result of any experiment.
        Physics, psychiatry, psychology, and every other material science will eventually agree that the world exists only in our mind, and only there do we exist.


    • #410161

      Pyramide of Maslow

    • #410134
      Gisela Bottcher

      Everything gets so crystal clear, thank you so much!

    • #409662

      What can we see or learn or understand about cultures that have not progressed along with the majority of the world, cultures that live and create and farm the way they did a thousand years ago? do they not have the same desires? and increasing desires?   Or have they already experienced what the rest of the world is desiring?

      • #409764

        It took 10 billion years until our home planet formed and became a suitable place for something to take place that would later become life.  It took billions more until plants evolved and even more until animals and our ancestors climbed down from trees a few hundred thousand years ago, so it’s no a suprise that all humanity hasn’t awakened to higher desires yet.
        Everything is speeding up, the distance between inanimate to vegetative was billions of years.  From a prehistoric man until us is only a few hundred thousand, everything is in our hands, if we unite and draw the light sufficiently we’ll draw all humanity with us much more quickly.

    • #409189

      How can we develop “the  sixth sense “ ?

      • #409657

        Until now, all of our senses developed naturally and the sixth sense also develops naturally, but whereas until now, we didn’t need to do anything for our senses to develop, our sixth sense, while it comes naturally, it requires our participation in our development from the animal state (biological human) to the human state (spiritual).
        The two main tools we use for this are the spiritual environment in which we develop our heart and minds towards loving others and the books of the kabbalists from which we draw the lights upon us that surround our souls.

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