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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 389 total)
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    • #410134
      Gisela Bottcher

      Everything gets so crystal clear, thank you so much!

    • #409662

      What can we see or learn or understand about cultures that have not progressed along with the majority of the world, cultures that live and create and farm the way they did a thousand years ago? do they not have the same desires? and increasing desires?   Or have they already experienced what the rest of the world is desiring?

      • #409764

        It took 10 billion years until our home planet formed and became a suitable place for something to take place that would later become life.  It took billions more until plants evolved and even more until animals and our ancestors climbed down from trees a few hundred thousand years ago, so it’s no a suprise that all humanity hasn’t awakened to higher desires yet.
        Everything is speeding up, the distance between inanimate to vegetative was billions of years.  From a prehistoric man until us is only a few hundred thousand, everything is in our hands, if we unite and draw the light sufficiently we’ll draw all humanity with us much more quickly.

    • #409189

      How can we develop “the  sixth sense “ ?

      • #409657

        Until now, all of our senses developed naturally and the sixth sense also develops naturally, but whereas until now, we didn’t need to do anything for our senses to develop, our sixth sense, while it comes naturally, it requires our participation in our development from the animal state (biological human) to the human state (spiritual).
        The two main tools we use for this are the spiritual environment in which we develop our heart and minds towards loving others and the books of the kabbalists from which we draw the lights upon us that surround our souls.

    • #408063

      Absolutely loving this!! Thank you so much

    • #407939

      How kabbalah teach about ego? Who do we find out pat in life through kabbalah?

      • #407965

        Hi Jariv, good question!

        Kabbalah does talk about this. But the profound teaching here comes from a special Light that one draws through the study of Kabbalah. Like in one of those old-fashioned dark rooms where photographs were developed due to the special conditions there, under the influence of the authentic Kabbalah books, the group of students, and teachers – the contours of one’s nature (the ego) become clear, and by contrast, the form of our opposite, the Creator, becomes clear, and we see that we can attain His form, by inverting ours.

    • #407910

      Can you teach us the easy way to open the third eye? Many peoples show in books or television how to do it. I need your way.

      • #407967

        Hi Sebastien,

        I think, in that, there’s a sort of materialization that might make it easy for the masses to visualize, but if we’re serious about this, no visualization is going to help. What exists in nature for a person to open up is an additional sense that contains 5 additional senses, spiritual senses, which sense the additional, upper dimensions of reality, which we’re already in, but don’t sense, because with the 5 senses we’re born with, you can only sense our world, and never the spiritual world. The wisdom of Kabbalah aims to develop this sixth, spiritual sense.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 389 total)
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