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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #407855

      At what point did we aquire the egoistic traits ?Was it the moment we separated from the initial force?Is this something we developed or it was given to us by the creator?


      • #407969

        Hi Adi,

        We start with a regular Will to Receive pleasure like all the parts of nature have, down to the smallest particles. For example, an atom that is missing an electron pair will seek it to reach a sensation of equilibrium. And every animal, and person, seeks, in each moment, whatever their proverbial missing electron pair is at the moment. Now, the ego per se is not this desire, but where this desire expands, into the perimeter of others, at their expense. This happens to humanity as a whole over the course of thousands of years; and exists in a person in embryo from the moment they detach from the mom, and in more advanced forms as they reach adolescence and adulthood.

    • #407437

      From one of the video’s of week 2 I understand that we NEED to study Kabbalah in order to create our 6th sense and connect to the creator. But what about people who don’t have the capacity to study? Will they not be able to connect to the creator?

      When has the “Barrier” between our reality and the spiritual world been created? Has that barrier always been there since birth, or did we create a barrier by detaching from the spiritual world?

      My experience is that our children have had some kind of connection with the spiritual world since birth. My wife, who is partially deaf, also has some kind of connection with the spiritual world. She, for example, hears 3 knocks on the door/wall when somebody she knows is going to pass away. And more.

      And, if possible, what can we as parents do to keep our children connected with the spiritual world?


      • #407971

        Hi Mark,

        Great questions.

        What about people who don’t have the capacity to study? Will they not be able to connect to the creator?

        Everyone will eventually connect to the Creator as this is the Goal of Creation. It depends when though. Those who can, should run for it.

        When has the “Barrier” between our reality and the spiritual world been created? Has that barrier always been there since birth, or did we create a barrier by detaching from the spiritual world?

        We’re after the point at which the Barrier was created, of course. It happened gradually, as the spiritual worlds concealed the Creator degree by degree, until the last degree, which concealed the Creator to an extent that it is as if there is no Creator and no knowledge that there even exists a spiritual world, to the point where one is even denied the knowledge that something is hidden from him.

        If possible, what can we as parents do to keep our children connected with the spiritual world?

        My answer to your fellow student, Adi, may also help here. When a child is born begins the detachment from the sparks that remind one that there is an Upper World to attain. That’s because it is organized from Above this way, such that a person has to attain it out of their own free choice. Thus, toward one’s kids it’s by being a regular good parent, and if you yourself advance internally, spiritually, they will feel that. You don’t need to teach them Kabbalah.


    • #407401

      How do we activate and cultivate the sixth sense?  Is there a clear formula to follow?

      • #407972

        Hi Melanie,

        Certainly! But that’s the entire wisdom of Kabbalah, and to have the sixth sense is to already be born into the spiritual world where one can already see for oneself, like one who is born into this world sees the sun, tastes the food, etc. Sure, there’s a study from others once there, but that’s already a different kind of study. In short, how to develop this sense, we will learn together.

    • #407338

      I’m so touched with this lesson. I have no words..just a feeling.  Thank you Tony.

    • #406986

      This is more of a comment than a question. From what I have learnt so far with week 1, to this point now of week 2 and all of the pre-course videos I watched, I have this strong sensation/feeling that is drawing me to want to volunteer/donate/perform acts of altruism more regularly with no desire to receive anything in return. I know that when I do perform these acts I feel really good inside my heart and mind so I do perceive a benefit from my act of bestowal. So I guess there is a question, is performing acts as mentioned above considered an altruistic act of bestowal like the creator? or because there is a perceived benefit, a powerful one, it is not true altruism.

    • #406974
      iris chan

      how to know if your 6th is not functional well? As the sight, we can have glasses to correct , but

      for the 6th sense, what if the 6th sense not sense correctly?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 389 total)
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