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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 261 total)
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    • #393321
      Petra Grajzl

      If I understand correctly first and third phases are man energy and second and fourth woman?

      • #393362

        I wouldn’t explain it like that, but I understand what you are saying.

    • #393289

      Kabbalah teaches us how to build an additional sense to perceive the spiritual worlds and transform our will to receive into a will to bestow. What practical steps can I take to begin developing this ‘sixth sense,’ and how can I ensure my intention aligns with building a proper screen to sense the spiritual reality beyond the physical world?

    • #393288

      Creation goes through five phases, with the creature ultimately receiving all the pleasure the Creator intended. How can we, in our current state, practically move from resisting reception (as in Phase 2) to embracing it in a way that aligns with the Creator’s will, as described in Phase 4? What steps can we take to receive in order to bestow, and how can we know when we are ready to fully receive?

      • #393361

        You can’t see in the dark like a bat can.  You can’t smell if someone is outside of the door like a dog can.
        We don’t have these senses.  We don’t have that spiritual sense yet.
        What can you do?  We do have a will to receive.  Start to work with it.  Start to identify it everywhere, in everything.  Don’t judge it, there is nothing to judge, this is how He made us, but see that everything you do, every thought, every action is governed by your will to receive.  See the same will to receive in different degrees operating on the tree outside, on the squirrel running in the grass and in your neighbor.  Don’t judge any of them, just see the forces operating.  When this starts to come into clear focus, you will begin to feel what the opposite of that might be, what bestowal might be and then you can begin a real prayer to ask from your heart for that thing that we don’t have.

      • #393360

        Like puberty, this comes from above, it is a natural process.
        Unlike puberty, which comes like clockwork when reach a certain age, this new nature only comes to us after many many efforts in the right direction over time.
        Now we are in a preparation period.  We have not yet started doing the practical work, you didn’t get your tools to do heart surgery yet, you are still learning about the heart and about the body and later you will actually go into the operating room.
        So for now, what is important is that you put a lot of effort into studying the foundations so that they penetrate you and become part of you so that just like when you are driving on the highway, you don’t need to think about how to operate the car, it is second nature, similarly you want to feel what we are studying so that when you get on the spiritual highway, you can work with what is there.

    • #392944

      Can you explain if the creator in this example of the meal could be something bad like illnesses or any other negative event, instead of good.  Do we still need to accept when we don’t want to. Therefore we could grow spiritually. I would appreciate if this is explained with another example rather than meal example. Many thanks for the answer in advance.

      • #392952

        Yes, it is a big concept to digest.
        And also it requires a change in us.
        After all, when we start to understand the nature of who we are, well for sure we are living in this body, but for sure that is not all that we are, it’s more of an adaptor in order to be able to receive emotional impressions from the world around us.
        Without our body, we’d be merged with the light and there would be no Joe.
        So put this skin and these systems between you and 99.99999999999% of everything in reality which is outside of you and through that adaptor, to start to emotionally and in your mind, to understand and feel what is happening.
        In that sense, if someone’s grandparents were living in poverty for 10 generations, malnourished, so then a person is born from that situation and the person can have opportunities to deal with it and manage it, but can’t take responsibility as such for being born in this family, in this time, in this way, with these physical conditions.
        This is an exaggerated example, but you can understand that everything that happens to us is part of a cause and effect system and on the one hand we do whatever we can to manage and make our situation better and on the other hand begin to exist above the temporal experience and enter into the eternal experience that we are part of that we don’t yet perceive.

    • #392919
      Amy W

      I am able to follow the podcasts pretty well. But the readings from Kabbalah for the Student may as well be written in Latin for all the sense they make to me. Any suggestions?

    • #392814

      This all feels close and abstract at the same time. When learning this, should we aim to memorize the names of the sefirot and behinot? Or is it best to try not to understand with the mind? Also, are these phases what we experience?

      • #392928

        While attainment is in our feelings, we do use our mind and it is helpful to write these things down and make a glossary for yourself.  I have dozens of notebooks for all the lessons through the years.
        Good luck,

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 261 total)
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