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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 679 through 684 (of 5,322 total)
  • Author
    • #360725

      Hi there,

      My name is Greg. I live in Los Angeles, California. I’m currently taking classes at the Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles but I am curious in what this course has to offer.

      I’m very intrigued with Kabbalah. I have been studying it on and off since I was 16. I just started reading Rav Michael Laitman’s book’s and find him to be very wise.

      I cannot wait to learn more! 🙂

    • #360719

      Hello all I am Victor. It is nice to be on this journey with you all.

    • #360634

      Hi.  I am Miekie from South Africa and am 50 years old. My only quest ever had been to have direct spiritual experience with our Maker. I bought a book ‘the end of my search’ at age 12, lol! 😊I have sought all spiritual avenues and came to the conclusion that I cannot do it without Divine direction, showing me the way. I am recovering from a major surgery and the series ‘Kabbalah Revealed’ came to me. I realised that everything in my life had been designed in order to give birth and to grow that desire in my heart to have direct experience with my Maker. I have also realised that aĺl my studies and efforts could not assist in making ‘my life work’ or to create sustained sustenance for my desire/void.

    • #360632

      Hi, I am Hadassah. Diving into the esoteric concept of the world in order to achieve spiritual oneness as always been my goal , as I join this lesson, I Hope to achieve that. Thanks

    • #360630
      Zach Ansel

      Hello everyone, I’m Zach from Naples, Florida. I’m hoping this course will be the beginning of my journey studying Kabbalah and connecting with others who have found the same path.

    • #360623

      Hello all, my name is Tony. I am 42 and spent most of my life with no particular mind to spiritual learning until about 4/5 years ago when some things happened in my life which woke me up to an understanding that there is clearly a higher level of understanding to this life. Since then, I’ve looked at and practiced various spiritual philisophies. I recently saw a video on YouTube with Tony Kosinec which resonated with me greatly and tied in to a lot of other stuff I have felt has great wisdom. Therefore, I’m here like yourselves, ready to learn and progress

Viewing 6 posts - 679 through 684 (of 5,322 total)
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