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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 685 through 690 (of 5,322 total)
  • Author
    • #360612

      Hello everyone. My name is Ruben. I’m thirty seven years old. I’m from Rochester, Ny.

      For a long time I felt very nihilistic about my life and life and the world in general. As I got older I was hit with some hard blows and eventually began to feel a change inside me. A slooooow change.

      I’ve struggled with addiction and alcoholism and I feel that THIS makes the most sense to me as a higher power.

      I’ve been searching different esoteric teachings on Youtube and Kabbalah seemed to click with me. I came across KabU and was very intrigued. I feel I have that desire. And I’m ready to dive in.

    • #360480

      Hi, I’m Ian. I have gone down a deep rabbit hole in the past year, learning about all sorts of philosophies, religions, esoteric traditions and mysticism along the way–gradually getting out of my spiritual comfort zone and expanding my horizons of what could really be going on here, and here I am. Glad to have cleared up some of my own misconceptions along the way, some of my fear. Looking forward to this course and learning about this traditional yet “scientific” approach to existence, very intriguing.

    • #360453

      I am eager to dig deeper into the world of judaism. Kabbala seems to be another way of seeing things, which I am very curious about.

    • #360431

      I am Elena. After 3 years delving into Kabbalah, I’m eager to learn from other teachers adn another students as me! My exploration has touched abstract math, various religions, and even an existential void. Emerging from that void, I embraced its potential for deeper meaning, unlocking my soul’s purpose. Now, I seek to connect with fellow Kabbalah learners and expand my understanding through diverse perspectives

    • #360407

      I’m Hannah.  I’m very drawn lately to Dr. Laitman’s books and the others he recommends, which I bought and studied mainly on my own maybe 7 or 8 years ago before I got stuck and went back to my prior spiritual path (Advaita, non dual teachings out of India).  Now I feel pulled back to Kabbalah.  I look forward to meeting you all online.

    • #360274
      Ashlee Goodson

      I’m Ashlee. I’ve been on a Spiritual path my whole life, Creator led me here. I hope to fill in the blanks the other religions have left open for me. I know the answers are spread out there for me to find in this lifetime.

Viewing 6 posts - 685 through 690 (of 5,322 total)
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