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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,879 through 1,884 (of 6,403 total)
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    • #339037

      Hi Everyone, my name is Raf.

      Came across a video series from AriFilms on Kabbalah.  I have thousands of videos on other topics and the Kabbalah series from AriFilms provided deep answers to some questions I had.  The answers felt satisfying and complete for my current understanding.

      Joining here to learn more and see where it goes.  I recently came to realize I’ve always been on a spiritual path.  Now looking to make sense of what I’ve been experiencing and hopefully discover more about myself.

    • #338996

      I am familiar with the King James, but it seems watered down through time and translation.  I am beginning to learn the Hebrew alef bet / vet.  I wish to understand the origins of each letter slowly as i consider myself as a child learning a new language.  I’ve just begun listening to related pod casts and am frustrated regarding the lack of direct resources to exact meanings / translations as i begin learning.  This presents initial misgivings.  That’s ok.  Patience.

      • #338998
        Tammy Ardoin

        Hello Clinton, Have you thought of getting a Hebrew/English Tanakh? I absolutely love mine, and it does help to have the Hebrew next to the English when learning to read Hebrew. Good luck!

    • #338971

      Sebastian here, constantly thinking about the topic. Weaving it into the fabric of reality by perceiving and attaining.

      Living in Germany, Bavaria, need to revisit this knowledge, need access to Torah. My brain is in the dessert in this regard.

      happy to have you all and thanks for continuity


      • #338999

        Thank you.  I will get there.  Thank you for your thoughts and time.

    • #338954

      Hi I am Verónica from Lima Perú,  I am happy to start the course of Kabbalah, I studied several years, but this year I want to deep more in the Kabbalah Studies.

    • #338949
      Dondria Enberg

      Hello everyone, my name is Dondria, I currently live in Elgin, Illinois, USA, and I have been studying ancient texts with Spirit as my only teacher for over 50 years.  I did an intensive study on Waite’s interpretation of Kabbalah and found many ‘holes’.  I was drawn to this course last year however, personal shadow work kept me from starting.  I am very excited to be a part of the New Year, fellow knowledge seekers, and the start of this course.

      Many blessings of love and light to all as we walk this path together!



    • #338889

      I have had a calling to understand our Creator more deeply and have always wanted to learn about Kabbalah. Cheers, Kevin

Viewing 6 posts - 1,879 through 1,884 (of 6,403 total)
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