Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,921 through 1,926 (of 6,398 total)
  • Author
    • #338055
      Albert Luppens

      Hello everyone, I am new to Kabbalah and look forward to this course

    • #338043

      Hello Dear fellow colleages… My name is Arturo and I am located in Mexico…. I find Kabbalah very much interesting to undestand the life, our pourpouse on it and finally attain the connection with our creator…

    • #338015
      Mathew Dye

      Hello, My name is Mat. I Found this site on youtube while doing clandestine research. IAM a Philosophical person in search of wisdom. I currently am a member of AMORC … My studies have lead me to you and you to me… or possibly the you and me to we … or even more so the yourself and myself to 1 ourself. Anyhow…I have no particular outcome I like to see here … I enjoy a good mystery lol.

    • #338003
      Robert Bennett

      Hi I’m Rob I don’t have any idea what this is, I’ve been on a journey over the last year and half have tried a few different things. Am very excited to see what comes of this 😊 The main thing is I have a completely open mind, have learned more about who I am and we are as a human race in the last year than in my previous 55 years

    • #338001

      Hello everyone! My name is Paul and I am the friend that Debra mentioned. I was born in Southern California and reside in Phoenix AZ. I am an artist from birth. My son passed away 8 years ago and I went through depression and later began my study for the “TRUTH”. I took in all the information that I could and let the truth fall where it may. Long story short, I found me. My son gave me the gift. The answer for my search came out to be “LOVE”. I call spirituality the addition of all information……..sounds very similar to what I’m reading as a course description for this class. I’ve grazed the secrets, Zoroastrianism, Rosicrucianism, Anthroposophy, Hermeticism, Taoism and much much more. My life has been changed forever. I love the view of so many perspectives that seem to stem from the same sets of universal truths. I want to know more.

    • #337970

      This is my second go around in this course, I plan to get a refresher of everything I’ve learned and to be able to build a strong foundation for myself.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,921 through 1,926 (of 6,398 total)
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