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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #305066

      Hi I’m “Rob” the awareness of the distractions that are deemed important have lost meaning for me a long time ago. There’s a constant intuition of a “real” reality beyond appearances but it seems out of reach and only sporadically peripherally sensed. I studied from many sources and mined some information but mainly have developed awe for what I don’t know. I’m here to unlearn the erroneous and hopefully find out what my capacity for reality connection actually is.

    • #305064
      Cathy Leahy

      Hi I am always interested in learning in life.
      so many different teachings and all come together to become fulfilled and loved and abundant in life.

    • #305060

      Hi I’m Laura. New student.
      Always wanted to learn more about Kabbalah.

    • #305047

      Hi all,

      I was introduced to Kabbalah years ago and have been fascinated by the the personal transformations that have occurred by just brushing the surface of the tree of life… But the surface isn’t enough. I want to learn. I want to understand. Ready to go deeper.

    • #305027

      Hi, This is a return to these teachings for me.  I had done several of the initial courses many years ago, and I am excited to start over with the physical books this time.  My husband and I are also doing them at the same time, which will be an added dimension, and interesting, I think.  🙂

    • #304986
      Jesse Block

      I’m Jesse and I’m seeking to learn more. The Tree of Life fascinates me, but I have not found a way I can understand in beginning to climb the ladder. Im looking forward  to what I hope leads to that path.

      • #304997

        Same here, Jesse.

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