Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,233 through 2,238 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #331740

      Hello everyone, my name is Sheavon. I live in New Jersey.  I am interested in learning Kabbalah because I am struggling to ascend to higher levels of spirituality and I am hoping this course will teach me how to do that.

    • #331735

      Hello everyone1

      I´m Ricardo Lins from Brazil. I´m very excited with the opportunity to learn with you about this science.

    • #331731

      Hello everyone, my name is Leighton and i am originally from the island of Jamaica, i have been living in NY since 1972 also serve in the US Marines, even as a child i had many questions but the priests always tell me to have faith, i am 67 years old now and still searching, maybe Kabbalah will provide some answers to my many questions.                                                                                                          Light and Love to all

    • #331707
      Jean Kesnel

      I’m Jean Kesnel Chevery, originally from Haiti, I moved to the USA in the year of 1999. I’m currently living in Kuwait for work purposes. I’m a Christian, I would like to learn about Jewish Kabbalah; I’m seeking for wisdom and insight.

      B’ezrat Hashem,I will achieve this goal.

    • #331704

      Anna WMS

    • #331664


      My name is Yosef and I’m a 59 year old Jewish convert and I live in Israel.

      Jewish life is awesome, but it’s not complete… I want to know the Creator beyond commandments.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,233 through 2,238 (of 6,438 total)
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