Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #331664


      My name is Yosef and I’m a 59 year old Jewish convert and I live in Israel.

      Jewish life is awesome, but it’s not complete… I want to know the Creator beyond commandments.

    • #331645
      anidnet tokuma


      My name is Andinet!.

      I’m a student from Ethiopia, who wants to know more  about Kabbalah and i expect basic Kabbalah concepts from this course.

    • #331629

      Hi. Blards here. More of an observer. Been in other denominations for 30 plus years. Still seeking.

    • #331621

      Hi, I am Ismar, a male 75 years old, a student of classical homeopathy, and a translator (English-Portuguese).

      I have always been interested in finding out the Truth, although being an agnostic most of my life.

      About a decade ago, I had an experience of feeling a Love I had never felt. This love was felt as an sphere the kept growing to swallow me, plus two persons I despised and hated, the corral where I was working (small farm), the entire farm, and kept growing till it swallowed the entire Universe. I “saw” this sphere of Love close on the top of everything.

      From then on, I know God exists and is Love, and I know he loves me, but nothing else.

      I continue not to have any religion, but I find much pleasure in reading the Bible, especially the Psalms.

    • #331606



    • #331584

      Hello Everyone,

      My name is David. I live in Scotland, UK and have reading about Kabbalah off and on for a few years but am now looking to study the subject in a more formalised way. I feel KabU and this course is an excellent starting point.

      I look forward to sharing and learning with you all.


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