Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 6,437 total)
  • Author
    • #430536

      Hello, it’s Anna from Switzerland. Looking forward to studying more of Kabbalah and hopefully getting to know some of you.
      Anyone from Switzerland?

      • This reply was modified 5 days, 2 hours ago by Anna.
      • #431043

        Hi Anna, I lived in Lausanne for two years. That probably does not count but still, nice to meet you! Tomas

    • #430529


      I am from Sweden but live in Brighton, I have turned 50 and is just looking to better my life experience. That is why I decided to look into this.

    • #430453

      Dia dhuit a chairde,

      My name is Leo. I was born in Ireland and have lived here all my life.

      Baptised Catholic. Rejected God and religion at 14 years of age but came back to God without religion in my late teens and I have been on the road home ever since.

      For a long time I couldn’t make sense of things,  or reconcile my experience of the world and the idea God created it ,and us just to make a judgement that seals our faith for eternity.

      So I seek the Ttuth and an actual knowledge of God , a direct experience of divinity




    • #430393

      Hi everyone I’m Sara from Manchester uk. Looking forward to learning! How is everyone doing?

      • #431044

        Hi Sara, my sister lives close to Manchester, I visit ones in a while. And Im doing great, just going through these messages and looking for what resonates. And you? Have a wonder day.

    • #430388

      Hi – SueEllen here from Sugar Land Texas..Happy to be here with you all.

    • #430333
      sharon A Shelton

      Hello, I am Sharon Shelton from Washington, DC. I have been studying kabbalah for 24 years.  I am a student in the KabU Graduate classes.  But I am still new to learning kabbalah and am willing to experience it.  RABASH and MichaelLaitmankabbalah teachings.

      • #430336
        sharon A Shelton

        Hello. I am Sharon Shelton from Washington, DC. I have been studying kabbalah for 24 years. I am a student in the KabU graduate classes. But I am still new to learning kabbalah and am willing to experience it.  RABASH and Rav. Michael Laitman kabbalah teachings.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 6,437 total)
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