Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,815 through 2,820 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #316759
      Yeshua Catherineka

      I am Catherine from Pakistan, I was born in a christian family, I am looking for the truth.

      I’m not contented with teachings in the church. Have lots on my mind.

    • #316758
      Michael Dimou

      Hello to everyone,

      My name is Michael and my base is in Greece. I am here to learn how to reduce the sense of my “ego” and to explore the unity with each part of this universe.

    • #316737
      tong fei

      Hi, I am Faye. Curious to find out more about the meaning of life and the sense of suffering.

    • #316736

      I’m Bruce from China. I want to know the right way to salvation.

    • #316718
      Bosuwai Tenge

      Hello my name is Bosuwai Tenge,I’m from png,I serve to save

    • #316692
      Judith brown

      Hello, I’m judy, just trying to make sense of this world

Viewing 6 posts - 2,815 through 2,820 (of 6,440 total)
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