Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #316640


      I am Liane, intuitive coach and I am here, not because I don’t know the answers myself, after a whole deep process of living half of my life in a depression, but because I never saw a teaching that educate me on this. I had to find my path all by myself. So I want to learn more about Kaballah because it resonates with how I live my life today.

    • #316632

      Hello! I’m called Emily or M. Im in love with my life and looking forward to sharing, integrating & evolving. I’m sure this course will aid in this. 🙏

    • #316630

      Hello, my name is Abraham. I resonate deeply with the teachings and wisdom of Kabbalah and would love to learn more. A lot of spiritual teachings in my life have not held up to held up to time and the harmony of truth. I am grateful and looking forward to this learning opportunity.


    • #316608

      Hello, my name is Kai. I have been developing my spiritual lifestyle for about two years and have learned so much from my practices already. I am looking to expand all areas of my life. The last time I learned and practiced Kabbalah, that happened in a way I could have never imagined. My mind and heart are opened to receive!

    • #316558

      Hello my name is Michael,

      I desire a real connection to the all,

      My search for wisdom has lead me here.

      I hope to achieve the goal of connection through development of wisdom in order affect real change inside of myself, so that I can share and help those I love feel better in themselves and their lives.

      kind regards


    • #316499
      Sylvie Bélanger

      Hello my name is Sylvie Bélanger, I am a french canadian not bilingual but getting more confidence in english.  I am working in a catholic environnement and realize lately that religion does not fill my spiritual grow.  And the more I have reach for kaballah and Torrah contains the more I want to know and want to grow.  And then I have found you.

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